

Reproducing SimCLR in PyTorch


This is an unofficial PyTorch implementation of the recent paper 'A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations'. The arXiv version of this paper can be cited as

  title={A simple framework for contrastive learning of visual representations},
  author={Chen, Ting and Kornblith, Simon and Norouzi, Mohammad and Hinton, Geoffrey},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.05709},

The focus of this repository is to accurately reproduce the results in the paper using PyTorch. We use the original paper and the official tensorflow repo as our sources.

SimCLR algorithm


For comparison with the original paper, we use the CIFAR-10 and ILSVRC2012 datasets. This PyTorch version also supports CIFAR-100 and STL-10.


The following augmentations are used on the training set


We use a ResNet50 as our base architecture. We use the ResNet50 implementation included in torchvision with the following changes:

Projection head

The projection head consists of the following:


We use the NT-Xent loss of the original paper. Specifically, we calculate the CosineSimilarity (using PyTorch's implementation) between each of the 2N projected representations z. We rescale these similarities by temperature. We set the diagonal similarities to -inf and treat the one remaining positive example as the correct category in a 2N-way classification task. The scores are fed directly into CrossEntropyLoss.


We use the LARS optimizer with trust_coef=1e-3 to match the tensorflow code. We set the weight decay to 1e-6. The 10 epoch linear ramp and cosine annealing of the original paper are implemented and can be activated using --cosine-anneal, otherwise a constant learning rate is used.


On CIFAR-10, we fitted the downstream classifier using L-BFGS with no augmentation on the training set. This is the approach used in the original paper for transfer learning (and is substantially faster for small datasets). For ImageNet, we use SGD with the same random resized crop and random flip as for the original training, but no colour distortion or other augmentations. This is as in the original paper.

Running the code


See requirements.txt. Note we require the torchlars package.

Dataset locations

The dataset file locations should be specified in a JSON file of the following form

    "cifar10": "/data/cifar10/",
    "cifar100": "/data/cifar100/",
    "stl10": "/data/stl10/",
    "imagenet": "/data/imagenet/2012/"

Running with CIFAR-10

Use the following command to train an encoder from scratch on CIFAR-10

$ python3 simclr.py --num-epochs 1000 --cosine-anneal --filename output.pth --base-lr 1.5

To evaluate the trained encoder using L-BFGS across a range of regularization parameters

$ python3 lbfgs_linear_clf.py --load-from output.pth

Running with ImageNet

Use the following command to train an encoder from scratch on ILSVRC2012

$ python3 simclr.py --num-epochs 1000 --cosine-anneal --filename output.pth --test-freq 0 --num-workers 32 --dataset imagenet 

To evaluate the trained encoder, use

$ python3 gradient_linear_clf.py --load-from output.pth --nesterov --num-workers 32

Outstanding differences with the original paper

Reproduction results

CIFAR-10 with ResNet50 (1000 epochs)

MethodTest accuracy
SimCLR quoted94.0%
SimCLR reproduced (this repo)93.5%


The basis for this repository was pytorch-cifar. We make use of torchlars.