

boot-reload Downloads Build Status Dependencies Status

Clojars Project

Boot task to automatically reload resources in the browser when files in the project change. Communication with the client is via websockets.


Add dependency to build.boot and require the task:

(set-env! :dependencies '[[adzerk/boot-reload "X.Y.Z" :scope "test"]])

(require '[adzerk.boot-reload :refer [reload]])

Add the task to your development pipeline before (cljs ...):

(deftask dev []

Additional Info

You can see the options available on the command line:

boot reload --help

or in the REPL:

boot.user=> (doc reload)


For in-depth, up-to-date examples of how to use reload in development, see Boot templates and example projects in the ClojureScript wiki.


Copyright © 2014 Adzerk<br> Copyright © 2015-2017 Juho Teperi

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.