


Julia package for visualizing the Digit Humanoid Robot and exploring its kinematics.

<!-- <img src="media/digitsim.gif" width="200" height="180" /> -->


  1. Open your Julia REPL by typing julia in your terminal.
  2. Press ] on your keyboard to enter the package manager
  3. Enter command add https://github.com/adubredu/MeshCatMechanisms.jl and press Enter on your keyboard to install the MeshCatMechanisms dependency
  4. Enter command add https://github.com/adubredu/RigidBodyDynamics.jl and press Enter on your keyboard to install the RigidBodyDynamics dependency
  5. Enter command add https://github.com/adubredu/DigitVisualizer.jl and press Enter on your keyboard to install this package.
  6. Press the Backspace key on your keyboard to return to the REPL


See the examples folder for usage examples.