

tivars_lib_cpp Build

A C++ "library" to interact with TI-Z80/eZ80 (82/83/84 series) calculators files (programs, lists, matrices...).
JavaScript bindings (for use with emscripten) are provided for convenience.

How to use

In C++

Right now, the best documentation is the tests file itself, which uses the main API methods.
Basically, though, there are loading/saving/conversion (data->string, string->data) methods you just have to call.

Example 1: Here's how to read the source of TI-Basic program from an .8xp file and print it:

auto myPrgm = TIVarFile::loadFromFile("the/path/to/myProgram.8xp");
auto basicSource = myPrgm.getReadableContent(); // You can pass options like { {"reindent", true} }...
std::cout << basicSource << std::endl;

Example 2: Here's how to create a TI-Basic program (output: .8xp file) from a string:

auto newPrgm = TIVarFile::createNew("Program");                       // Create an empty "container" first
newPrgm.setVarName("TEST");                                           // (also an optional parameter above)
newPrgm.setContentFromString("ClrHome:Disp \"Hello World!\"");        // Set the var's content from a string
newPrgm.saveVarToFile("path/to/output/directory/", "myNewPrgrm");     // The extension is added automatically

Several optional parameters for the functions are available. For instance, French is a supported input/output language for the program vartype, which is choosable with a boolean in an options array to pass.

Note: The code throws exceptions for you to catch in case of trouble.

In JavaScript (via Emscripten)

Bindings are done for the necessary classes, so it should be pretty obvious.
Integration example:

<script type="module">
    import TIVarsLib from './TIVarsLib.js';
    const lib = await TIVarsLib();
    const prgm = lib.TIVarFile.createNew("Program", "TEST");
    prgm.setContentFromString("ClrHome:Disp \"Hello World!\"");
    const filePath = prgm.saveVarToFile("", "MyTestProgram");
    const file = lib.FS.readFile(filePath, {encoding: 'binary'});

You can find code that use this project as a JS lib here: https://github.com/TI-Planet/zText (look at generator.js)

Vartype handlers implementation: current status

Real List
Protected Program
Graph DataBase (GDB) (JSON) (JSON)
Complex List
Application Variable
Python AppVar
Exact Complex Fraction
Exact Real Radical
Exact Complex Radical
Exact Complex Pi
Exact Complex Pi Fraction
Exact Real Pi
Exact Real Pi Fraction

Note that some of the special varnames restrictions (for strings, matrices, list...) aren't implemented yet.

To this date, there are no plans to support other types (except maybe some fancy things with the image/picture vartypes...).
Pull Requests are welcome, though :)