A high performance router written in 🦀 for the ASGI ecosystem. Built on top of routrie and path-tree.
- Pure ASGI, compatible with any ASGI web framework.
- Very fast, we use a radix-tree router written in Rust.
- Support for all of the common routing primitives like path parameters and catch-all parameters.
We'll be using Starlette's Response
object to handle some ASGI boilerplate that is not relevant to this example.
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from asgi_routing import Mount, Route, Router
app = Router(
Route("/", PlainTextResponse("home")),
Route("/me", PlainTextResponse("me")),
Route("/{username}", PlainTextResponse("you")),
Route("/{username}/disable", PlainTextResponse("bye")),
Route("/nomatch", PlainTextResponse("who?")),
Since this is a pure ASGI router, you can also mount it to a specific path in a Starlette app if you know that that path is high traffic or has a very large routing table. You won't see much of a difference compared to Starlette's built in router unless you have 20+ routes. See benchmarks for more details.