


This is a Burp Suite Pro extension that is able to find the “Reverse Tabnabbing” attack. For more information about “Reverse Tabnabbing” attack please see https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Reverse_Tabnabbing

By defaut the extension will scan the pages entirely but this behavior can be customized using the "tabnabbing.pagescan.strategy" (java) system variables. The possible options of "tabnabbing.pagescan.strategy" are:

The "tabnabbing.pagescan.strategy" system variable can be set-up at start time like this:

java -Dtabnabbing.pagescan.strategy=SCAN_ENTIRE_PAGE -jar burpsuite-pro-x.x.xx.jar

Requirements to run the extension:

Some code metrics (from sonarcloud): https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=com.github.adriancitu.burp%3Atabnabbing

If you want to know more technical details about how the plug-in was done: https://adriancitu.com/2018/05/07/tabnabbing-burp-extension/