


This is the nodejs webrtc signalling server code straight off the WebRTC Network solution by Christoph Kutza. The only difference is literally the name.

Use this to create a signalling server for WebRTC projects. AirSignal is used in AirPeer, a general purpose WebRTC plugin for Unity as well as UniVoice, a VoIP solution for Unity based on AirPeer.


Install Nodejs which comes with NPM After installing run the following commands:

npm install
This will install all required packages for it to work.

node server.js
This will run the server using config.json

You can change used ports and other details in the file config.json.


Create ssl.cert and ssl.key to allow using secure connections. Add ssl details in config.json as per the structure shown in config_template.json


The original creator of the server Christoph Kutza can be reached here:
Send a mail to contact@because-why-not.com or BecauseWhyNotHelp@gmail.com or visit http://because-why-not.com

If you're here from AirPeer or UniVoice and have questions about them, contact Vatsal Ambastha: