

OpenJDK Mirror Scripts

These scripts are run at https://ci.adoptopenjdk.net/view/git-mirrors/ and are responsible for updating the Eclipse Adoptium clones of the various OpenJDK Skara github repositories that we are interested in building.

For developers

OpenJDK Source Control repositories are now managed using the GitHub (project Skara). The Git repositories are mirrored at OpenJDK.

Examples of converted repositories are available at https://github.com/openjdk/.

Skara repos and processes

Historical information about the migration to OpenJDK GitHub from Mercurial is available at https://openjdk.org/jeps/369

Note For Developers: Any Adoptium Patches must be done on the "release" branch, they will be auto-merged nightly into "dev".

The script merges the appropriate latest merged "master" branch code into both "dev" and "release", it also ensures all the "Adoptium Patches" from the "release" branch are merged into the "dev" branch.

The BRANCH environment variable defines the upstream master branch name, and defaults to "master" if not specified. The dev and release mirror branches default to "dev" and "release" for "master", for other master branches they are "dev_$BRANCH" and "release_$BRANCH". This is to support the new upstream OpenJDK head repository stabilization version branches (e.g., jdk23, would use mirror branches dev_jdk23 and release_jdk23).

The flow for the merge process is:

flowchart TD

1["Skara upstream master branch:\n https://github.com/openjdk/jdkNN"] --"rebase to"--> 2["Mirror master branch:\n https://github.com/adoptium/jdkNN"] --"merge"--> 4["Mirror master branch to release branch"] --> 5["apply _adopt tag on release branch"] --"merge"--> 6["Mirror master and release to dev branch"] --> 7["push all back to origin"]

Release trigger scripts and process