


.NET6 Razor Template Engine. No legacy code. No breaking changes.

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Install-Package RazorEngineCore

Feature requests

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:boom: HTML Safety

RazorEngineCore is not HTML safe by default.
It can be easily turned on: see #65 and @Raw


Basic usage

IRazorEngine razorEngine = new RazorEngine();
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate template = razorEngine.Compile("Hello @Model.Name");

string result = template.Run(new
    Name = "Alexander"


Strongly typed model

IRazorEngine razorEngine = new RazorEngine();
string templateText = "Hello @Model.Name";

// yeah, heavy definition
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate<RazorEngineTemplateBase<TestModel>> template = razorEngine.Compile<RazorEngineTemplateBase<TestModel>>(templateText);

string result = template.Run(instance =>
    instance.Model = new TestModel()
        Name = "Hello",
        Items = new[] {3, 1, 2}



Compile template with IncludeDebuggingInfo() option and call EnableDebugging() before running template. If template was compiled with IncludeDebuggingInfo() option, saving and loading will keep original template source code and pdb.

IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate template2 = razorEngine.Compile(templateText, builder =>

template2.EnableDebugging(); // optional path to output directory

string result = template2.Run(new
    Title = "Welcome"

Place @{ Breakpoint(); } anywhere in template to stop at.

Save / Load compiled templates

Most expensive task is to compile template, you should not compile template every time you need to run it

IRazorEngine razorEngine = new RazorEngine();
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate template = razorEngine.Compile("Hello @Model.Name");

// save to file

//save to stream
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate template1 = RazorEngineCompiledTemplate.LoadFromFile("myTemplate.dll");
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate template2 = RazorEngineCompiledTemplate.LoadFromStream(myStream);
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate<MyBase> template1 = RazorEngineCompiledTemplate<MyBase>.LoadFromFile<MyBase>("myTemplate.dll");
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate<MyBase> template2 = RazorEngineCompiledTemplate<MyBase>.LoadFromStream<MyBase>(myStream);


RazorEngineCore is not responsible for caching. Each team and project has their own caching frameworks and conventions therefore making it impossible to have builtin solution for all possible needs.

If you dont have one, use following static ConcurrentDictionary example as a simplest thread safe solution.

private static ConcurrentDictionary<int, IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate> TemplateCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate>();
private string RenderTemplate(string template, object model)
    int hashCode = template.GetHashCode();

    IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate compiledTemplate = TemplateCache.GetOrAdd(hashCode, i =>
        RazorEngine razorEngine = new RazorEngine();
        return razorEngine.Compile(Content);

    return compiledTemplate.Run(model);

Template functions

ASP.NET Core way of defining template functions:

    @{ RecursionTest(3); }

  void RecursionTest(int level)
	if (level <= 0)

	<div>LEVEL: @level</div>
	@{ RecursionTest(level - 1); }


<div>LEVEL: 3</div>
<div>LEVEL: 2</div>
<div>LEVEL: 1</div>

Helpers and custom members

string content = @"Hello @A, @B, @Decorator(123)";

IRazorEngine razorEngine = new RazorEngine();
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate<CustomTemplate> template = razorEngine.Compile<CustomTemplate>(content);

string result = template.Run(instance =>
    instance.A = 10;
    instance.B = "Alex";

public class CustomTemplate : RazorEngineTemplateBase
    public int A { get; set; }
    public string B { get; set; }

    public string Decorator(object value)
        return "-=" + value + "=-";

Referencing assemblies

Keep your templates as simple as possible, if you need to inject "unusual" assemblies most likely you are doing it wrong. Writing @using System.IO in template will not reference System.IO assembly, use builder to manually reference it.

IRazorEngine razorEngine = new RazorEngine();
IRazorEngineCompiledTemplate compiledTemplate = razorEngine.Compile(templateText, builder =>
    builder.AddAssemblyReferenceByName("System.Security"); // by name
    builder.AddAssemblyReference(typeof(System.IO.File)); // by type
    builder.AddAssemblyReference(Assembly.Load("source")); // by reference

string result = compiledTemplate.Run(new { name = "Hello" });


This package is inspired by Simon Mourier SO post


Supported by

<img src="https://259506.selcdn.ru/sites-static/site609131/d7defb1c-34d5-4719-8dd8-5c0395badfeb/d7defb1c-34d5-4719-8dd8-5c0395badfeb-2809062.png" />