

Parametric Image Harmonization (PIH)

Project Page | Paper | Bibtex

Semi-supervised Parametric Real-world Image Harmonization.
CVPR 2023
Ke Wang, Michaël Gharbi, He Zhang, Zhihao Xia, Eli Shechtman

<img src='github_images/Figure_teaser.png'>

A novel semi-supervised training strategy and the first harmonization method that learns complex local appearance harmonization from unpaired real composites.

The code was developed by Ke Wang when Ke was a research scientist intern at Adobe research.

Please contact Ke (kewang@berkeley.edu) or Michaël (mgharbi@adobe.com) if you have any question.

Results <img src='github_images/Figure5.png'>

Our results show better visual agreements with the ground truth compared to SOTA methods in terms of color harmonization (rows 1,2 and 4) and shading correction (row 3).

<img src='github_images/Figure_8_final.png'>

RGB curves harmonize the global color/tone (center), while our shading map corrects the local shading in the harmonization output (right).


Table of Contents:<br>

  1. Setup - set up the enviroment<br>
  2. Pretrained Models - download pretrained models and resources<br>
  3. Interactive Demo - off-line interactive demo<br>
  4. Inference - inference on high-resolution images with pretrained model<br>
  5. Dataset - prepare your own dataset for the training<br>
  6. Training - pipeline for training PIH<br>
  7. Citation - bibtex citation<br>


git clone git@github.com:adobe/PIH.git

We create a environment.yml to install the dependencies, you need to have Conda installed. Run

conda env create -f environment.yml

(essentially install PyTorch)

Pretrained models

We provide our pre-trained model (93M parameters) on Artist Retouched Dataset from this link and put it in the folder.



We provide an interactive demo host offline built with PyGame

First, we install the dependencies:

python -m pip install -U pygame --user
pip install pygame_gui
pip install timm

Then, simpy run the following command to start the demo:

python demo.py

Here we provide a tutorial video for the demo.

<img src='github_images/demo.gif'>


We provide the inference code for evaluations:

python inference.py --bg <background dir *.png> --fg <foreground dir *.png> --checkpoints <checkpoint dir> [--gpu]



python inference.py --bg Demo_hr/Real_09_bg.jpg --fg Demo_hr/Real_09_fg.png --checkpoints pretrained/ckpt_g39.pth --gpu

Check the results/ folder for output images.


<img src='github_images/S1.png'>

We prepare a guidline of preparing Artist Retouched Dataset.

For image with name <image-name>, we organize the data directory like this:

        |-- <image-name>_before.png
        |-- <image-name>_after.png
        |-- <image-name>_before.png
        |-- <image-name>_after.png
        |-- <image-name>_before.png
        |-- <image-name>_after.png
        |-- <image-name>_before.png
        |-- <image-name>_after.png
        |-- <image-name>_before.png
        |-- <image-name>_after.png
        |-- <image-name>_before.png
        |-- <image-name>_after.png



Our approach uses a dual-stream semi-supervised training to bridge the domain gap, alleviating the generalization issues that plague many state-of-the-art harmonization models

<img src='github_images/Figure_3.png'>

We provide the script train_example.sh to perform training.

Training notes:

Simply run:

bash scripts/train_example.sh

to start the training.


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.

  title={Semi-supervised Parametric Real-world Image Harmonization},
  author={Wang, Ke and Gharbi, Micha{\"e}l and Zhang, He and Xia, Zhihao and Shechtman, Eli},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year      = {2023}