

Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insertion into Scenes

Project Page | Paper

This repository contains the original PyTorch implementation of this project. <br>

Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insertion into Scenes<br> Sumith Kulal<sup>1</sup>, Tim Brooks<sup>2</sup>, Alex Aiken<sup>1</sup>, Jiajun Wu<sup>1</sup>, <br> Jimei Yang<sup>3</sup>, Jingwan Lu<sup>3</sup>, Alexei A. Efros<sup>2</sup>, Krishna Kumar Singh<sup>3</sup> <br> <sup>1</sup>Stanford University, <sup>2</sup>UC Berkeley, <sup>3</sup>Adobe Research <br>

<img src='https://sumith1896.github.io/affordance-insertion/static/images/teaser.png'/>


Install the necessary packages using either pip or conda:

# install via pip (recommended)
python3 -m venv .affordance
source .affordance/bin/activate
pip install wheel
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 \
	torchdata==0.3.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install via conda
conda env create -f environment.yaml


Similar to Hallucinating Pose-Compatible Scenes, we preprocess raw input video data into LMDBs that can be ingested by our dataloaders and training pipeline. Starting from raw input video data, we first process it to only consist spatio-temporal sequences of single human motion. We then pre-compute the human segmentation masks. A sample sliver of data in LMDB format is here.

Our pre-processing scripts also closely follow hallucinating-scenes repo, with improvements for speed and mask generation.

Preprocessing steps

You can refer to more complete instructions here.

# preprocess vidoes, use images script if videos are in extracted format
python data_from_videos.py input_dir=kinetics output_dir=kinetics_frames_256
### python data_from_images.py input_dir=kinetics output_dir=kinetics_256

# filter by detecting people bbox
python data_filter_people.py input_dir=kinetics_256 output_dir=kinetics_people

# filter by detecting body keypoints
mkdir open_pose/pretrained/
gdown --id 1k7Teg2bVxGBR7ECiNScNzlLF0PDiIgmo -O open_pose/pretrained/open_pose.pt
python data_detect_pose.py input_dir=kinetics_people output_dir=kinetics_pose

# generate masks for filtered data
python data_generate_masks.py input_dir=kinetics_pose output_dir=kinetics_mask

Save the dataset in the following format:

  --> dataset1/
    --> frames_db/
    --> masks_db/
    --> clipmask_db/
  --> dataset2/


The training follows config-driven approach as in the original CompVis/stable-diffusion repo.


The main control for the data-loading is through the data config. The various config parameters have been described in detail in the ./ldm/data/hic.py file. One could visualize the various options and the data sampled from them through them by running python -m ldm.data.hic. As mentioned previously, a sample dataset with handful of videos is made available here solely for data exploration and visualization. These videos originate from a single batch MPII Human Pose dataset and we urge users to go through the author's license here.


Run the script bash train.sh for single node training. To experiment with different conditioning modalities and types (concat, crossattn), you can set the cond_stage_key param which has been expanded to handle more general structures.


Please reach out to Sumith (sumith@cs.stanford.edu) for any questions or concerns.


If you find our project useful, please cite the following:

author    = {Kulal, Sumith and Brooks, Tim and Aiken, Alex and Wu, Jiajun and Yang, Jimei and Lu, Jingwan and Efros, Alexei A. and Singh, Krishna Kumar},
title     = {Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insertion into Scenes},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year      = {2023},