

Libp2p node crawler.

Quick and dirty solution to crawl the number of nodes and the daily churn of a IPFS/libp2p network. The tool is conformed by the following processes:

To run the tool, run the following command. The default number of workers is 1, but you can assign more if needed. You can also choose the number of workers to run the liveliness process.

go build
./go-libp2p-crawler -crawler=<num_workers> -liveliness=<num_liveliness> -verbose

By defualt, database information is stored in ./db. There is no way of configuring this path yet, but it should be easy for you to change this in main.go.

Design decisions and future work

churn = (float32(todayLeft) / float32(todayCount)) * 100

The number of active nodes is also shown in real time.

I may have missed in this README file some of the design decisions and future work. Throughout the code you will find some TODO comments with questions and potential enhancements. And of course, the tool needs unit tests to be complete.

Useful resources

Some useful resources in case you want to understand or build upon the code:
