


Convert svg to png, and create templates for sass and compass with base64 svg and png.

Build Status

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-svgzr --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "svgzr" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named svgzr to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

	svgzr: {
		dist: {
			options: {
                files: {
					cwdSvg: 'icons/svg/',
					cwdPng: "sprite/fallback/"
				prefix: 'svg-',
				svg: {
					destFile: 'sass/common/_icons.scss'
				png: true,
				fallback : {
					mixinName: 'svg-fallback',
					dir: 'fallback/',
					destFile: 'sass/common/_icons-fallback.scss'



Type: String Default value: undefined

The path of the template file used to create the svg scss file. It is written with the mustache template syntax. If it is null or undefined, the task will use the default template file, placed in './test/templateSvg.mst'


Type: String Default value: undefined

The path of the template file used to create the png scss file. It is written with the mustache template syntax. If it is null or undefined, the task will use the default template file, placed in './test/templateFallback.mst'


Type: String Default value: 'svg/'

The path of svg files for for the conversion from svg to png.


Type: String Default value: 'png/'

The path of png files for the conversion from svg to png and for the scss file with png fallbacks.


Type: String Default value: 'svg-'

A string used as prefix in css classes


Type: String Default value: 'uri'

Define the encode type that will be used in svg encoding. If it is undefined or null, or unknown value, 'uri' value will be used. At the moment, you can use 'uri' for uri encode, and 'base64' for base64 encode.


Type: object Default value: true

If true, svgs will be minified with default svgo options .

	plugins: [
		{removeViewBox: false},
		{convertPathData: { straightCurves: false }}

if false,null or undefined, svgs will not be minified. If is an object, it'll be used as svgo option, in accordance with svgo plugins list.


Type: object Default value: false

If false, the plugin will not proceed with the creation of the scss file with svg classes.


Type: String Default value: 'example/sass/common/_icons.scss'

The output scss file with svg classes.


Type: object Default value: false

If false, the plugin will not proceed with the conversion from svg to png files. If true, svgzr will use svg2png and phantomJS for the conversion.


Type: object Default value: false

If false, the plugin will not proceed with the creation of the scss file with png classes.


Type: String Default value: 'svg-fallback'

The name of the mixin that you want to use in the scss file with png classes


Type: String Default value: undefined

It will be used from compass to create the png sprite file. It has to consider the compass image_dir path in the config file. If it is undefined or null, it'll be set to the relative path from options.fallback.destFile to options.files.cwdPng.


Type: String Default value: 'example/sass/common/_icons-fallback.scss'

The output scss file with png classes.

Usage Examples

Default Options

By default, svgzr does not create any output.

	svgzr: {
		dist: {
			options: {}

is equal to the following

	svgzr: {
		dist: {
			options: {
				svg: false,
				png: false,
				fallback : false


In this example, svgzr wil get all svg files in cwdSvg path, encode them in base64, and embed them in a scss file, using the filename and the prefix for the class name.

	svgzr: {
		dist: {
			options: {
				files: {
					cwdSvg: 'icons/svg/',
				prefix: 'svg-',
				svg: {
					destFile: 'sass/common/_icons.scss'


In this example, svgzr wil get all png files in cwdPng path, and create a scss file that use the filename and the prefix for the class name. This file will be used from compass to create a sprite file and png fallbacks.

	svgzr: {
		dist: {
			options: {
				files: {
					cwdPng: "sprite/fallback/"
				prefix: 'svg-',
				fallback : {
					mixinName: 'svg-fallback',
					dir: 'fallback/',
					destFile: 'sass/common/_icons-fallback.scss'


In this example, svgzr wil get all svg files in cwdSvg path, convert them in png, and store png files in cwdPng.

	svgzr: {
		dist: {
			options: {
				files: {
					cwdSvg: 'icons/svg/',
					cwdPng: "sprite/fallback/"
				png: true

Release History

0.4.0 Updated all dependencies; using native promises instead of Q; using ES6.

0.3.3 Now Mustache will be used with npm and not from local; added object named "fallback" with fallbacks mustache variables, for svg template management; also added variable "fileName", like in fallback template.

0.3.2 Minor fixes.

0.3.1 Added option options.svgo to enable or disable svgo and minified svg.

0.3.0 Added svgo and minified svg; introduced promises system q; changed encoding system from base64 to uri. Some studies have shown that it is better, especially if the site use gzip compression. You can still choose base64 with options.encodeType. ATTENTION: the basic svgTemplate file is changed.

0.2.5 Minor fixes.

0.2.4 Added and fixed cleaning of cwdPng folder.

0.2.3 Dismissed options.templateFile

0.2.2 Reverted last change. Both solution are now available.

0.2.1 Dismissed the options.fallback.dir. Svgzr will automatically get the right dir.

0.2.0 Adopted the mustache template method. The old json method is now deprecated. It'll be deleted in next issues.

0.1.5 Removed im and gm; minor fixes.

0.1.4 Fix templates.

0.1.3 Solved problem with only svg option active.

0.1.2 minor fixes; added some tests

0.1.1 resolved async problem

0.1.0 intial release