


Open Source Love Status License PyPI - Python Version

A quantum resistent asymmetric key generation tool based on the rainbow scheme for digital signatures.

Why would you need this?

Auth Comic

Digital signatures are a common way of authenticating a sender by verifying a piece of information attached to the document. In our case, the attached piece of information is a sequence of numbers generated using the document which is to be signed. <br>

As mentioned before, we employ the Generalised Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar scheme or the Rainbow scheme to achieve the same. <br>

You can find the paper here : https://bit.ly/2vwckRw


To build and install cryptovinaigrette, run the following commands

$ git clone https://github.com/aditisrinivas97/Crypto-Vinaigrette
$ cd Crypto-Vinaigrette
$ python3 setup.py install

Or install the package using pip (Pending..)

$ pip install cryptovinaigrette


  1. Creating a key-pair. <br>

    The keys generated are stored in the directory passed as parameter to generate_keys.

    from cryptovinaigrette import cryptovinaigrette
    # Initialise keygen object and generate keys
    myKeyObject = cryptovinaigrette.rainbowKeygen(save="/path/to/dest/folder")
  2. Signing a document. <br>

    Signing is done using the Private Key. Assuming the private key is named cvPriv.pem and the document to be signed is testfile.txt,

    signature = cryptovinaigrette.rainbowKeygen.sign('cvPriv.pem', 'test/testFile.txt')
  3. Verifying the digital signature. <br>

    Verification is done using the Public Key. Assuming the public key is named cvPub.pub and the document whose signature is to be verified is testfile.txt,

    # Case where signature is valid
    check = cryptovinaigrette.rainbowKeygen.verify('cvPub.pub', signature, 'test/testFile.txt')
    # Case where signature is invalid 
    check = cryptovinaigrette.rainbowKeygen.verify('cvPub.pub', signature, 'test/testFile2.txt')
    if check == True :
        print("Verified successfully!")
    else :
        print("Signature does not match the file!")




This project is made available under the MIT License.

Primary Contributors

<img src="https://github.com/aditisrinivas97.png" width="48">Aditi Srinivas
<img src="https://github.com/avinashshenoy97.png" width="48">Avinash Shenoy