

Blockchain Python tutorial

Important: This project is for educational purposes only and the source code shouldn't be use in production as it doesn't have good security, doesn't scale well and lacks many important features.

<div style="display:block;margin:auto;height:80%;width:80%"> <img src="blockchain-simulation.gif"> </div>

The github repository contains a basic implementation of a blockchain and its client using Python. This blockchain has the following features:

The blockchain client has the following features:

This github repository also contains 2 dashboards:


How to run the code

  1. To start a blockchain node, go to blockchain folder and execute the command below: python blockchain.py -p 5000
  2. You can add a new node to blockchain by executing the same command and specifying a port that is not already used. For example, python blockchain.py -p 5001
  3. TO start the blockchain client, go to blockchain_client folder and execute the command below: python blockchain_client.py -p 8080
  4. You can access the blockchain frontend and blockchain client dashboards from your browser by going to localhost:5000 and localhost:8080

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