


This application take a nmon file and upload it in a InfluxDB database. It generates also a dashboard to allow data visualization in Grafana. It's working on linux only for now.


A live demo is available at : demo.nmon2influxdb.org

user/password: demo/demo

It's a read only editor user. You can change anything but cannot save it.

Dashboards available on grafana.com

Multiple ready-to-use dashboards are available on grafana.com

The following dashboards are available:


Go to my github repository Releases section

You can build the binary from source. You need to have a working GO environment, see golang.org installation instructions. Check GOPATH environment variable to be sure it's defined.

go get -u github.com/adejoux/nmon2influxdb
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/adejoux/nmon2influxdb
go build

FULL Documentation available here


The code is licensed as GNU AGPLv3. See the LICENSE file for the full license.

Copyright (c) 2014 Alain Dejoux adejoux@djouxtech.net