


This project contains scripts to test if clients or access points (APs) are affected by the KRACK attack against WPA2. For details behind this attack see our website and the research paper.

Remember that our scripts are NOT attack scripts! You require network credentials in order to test if an access point or client is affected by the attack.


These commands were run on a fresh fabric-reset Pineapple Tetra (from this repo. root-directory):

opkg update
opkg install libnl sysfsutils python-pip
pip install scapy
opkg install ./krackattack/python-pycryptodomex_3.4.7-1_ar71xx.ipk

Then disable hardware encryption using the script ./krackattack/disable-hwcrypto.sh. I've tested these scripts on a Pineapple Tetra.

Remember to not use wlan1 for anything else during the attack. The script will be using wlan1 for broadcasting the network.

Testing Clients: detecting a vulnerable 4-way and group key handshake

To simulate an attack against a client follow the detailed instructions in krackattack/krack-test-client.py:

cd krackattack/
./krack-test-client.py --help

Now follow the detailed instructions that the script outputs. The script assumes that the client will use DHCP to get an IP. Remember to also perform extra tests using the --tptk and --tptk-rand parameters, and using --group to test the group-key handshake. So concretely, we recommend running the following tests:

  1. ./krack-test-client.py
  2. ./krack-test-client.py --tptk
  3. ./krack-test-client.py --tptk-rand
  4. ./krack-test-client.py --group

Correspondence to Wi-Fi Alliance tests

The Wi-Fi Alliance created a custom vulnerability detection tool based on our scripts. At the time of writing, this tool is only accessible to Wi-Fi Alliance members. Their tools supports several different tests, and these tests correspond to the functionality in our script as follows:

Testing Access Points: Detecting a vulnerable FT Handshake (802.11r)

The attached Linux script krack-ft-test.py can be used to determine if an AP is vulnerable to our attack. The script contains detailed documentation on how to use it:

cd krackattack/
./krack-ft-test.py --help

Now follow the detailed instructions that the script outputs. Essentially, it wraps a normal wpa_supplicant client, and will keep replaying the FT Reassociation Request (making the AP reinstall the PTK).