


Collection of generated keyboard PCBs based on via layouts.

:link: Visit https://adamws.github.io/keyboard-pcbs to view results.

[!WARNING] This is a showcase/benchmark of kicad-kbplacer plugin. All of the KiCad files are automatically generated and may contain errors. These are not production ready PCBs.

How to run

The procedure of generating keyboard-pcbs website is split into two stages which can be repeated locally using builder docker image.

[!WARNING] This takes long time and is resource consuming. It runs on schedule using Github Actions.

To see results, go to output directory and start http server with python:

$ cd gh-pages
$ python -m http.server
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

Run for single layout

If you want to run this for single layout file, call kbplacer-generate.sh directly. For example, navigate to directory with .json layout and run:

$ cd src/gh60/satan
$ ls
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/work \
    ghcr.io/adamws/keyboard-pcbs-maker:latest kbplacer-generate.sh /work satan

Note that second argument passed to kbplacer-generate.sh does not contain file extension.

When container finish, current directory should contain following files:

$ ls
satan.json      satan-layout.svg  satan-schematic.svg
satan-kle.json  satan-render.svg  satan.zip
$ unzip satan.zip
Archive:  satan.zip
  inflating: satan.kicad_pro
  inflating: satan.kicad_sch
  inflating: satan.kicad_pcb
  inflating: satan.net
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