


made at Recurse Center


A Scheme compiler for the Lua VM, still in progress. It is designed for Lua 5.1 (download here). Build using Haskell's package manager stack (available here):

$ git clone https://github.com/adamrk/scheme2luac.git
$ cd scheme2luac
$ stack build

To compile a Scheme script and run in Lua, first check you have Lua 5.1:

$ lua -v

This should return 'Lua 5.1.* Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUR-Rio' or similar.

Then create scheme script (test.scm in this example) and run:

$ stack exec -- scheme2luac-exe test.scm out.luac
$ lua out.luac

Implemented Components of R5RS Standard

This project aims to implement the R5RS scheme standard. These expressions have been implemented:

as well as several primitive functions (see the list of primitives in CodeGenerator.hs). There is also support for macros using define-syntax.

Differences from R5RS Standard

Using 'eval'

If your scheme script uses the eval function then it will need to have access to the compiler at runtime. This requires a special compilation process (these commands are in the file build.sh):

$ stack build
$ stack exec -- ghc LibCompiler.hs -shared -dynamic -fPIC -o libcompiler.so -lHSrts-ghc8.0.2
$ stack exec -- ghc libcompilerhelper.c -no-hs-main -optl -L. -lcompiler -o lualibhelper.so -shared -fPIC -dynamic

Note that you will need to change the option -lHSrts-ghc8.0.2 to match with your version of GHC. Check which version of ghc you're running with stack exec -- ghc --version. You will also need the lua header files lua.h and luaconf.h which are available here. Modify the -L. flag to the path to these header files.

This will create two shared libraries: libcompiler.so and lualibhelper.so. At runtime Lua must be able to access the lualibhelper.so library and the path to libcompiler.so must be in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Otherwise you will see an error like this:

lua: error loading module 'lualibhelper' from file './lualibhelper.so':
    libcompiler.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory