

Angular Starter Kit

This is an opinionated starter template for crafting single-page web applications using Angular.js, Coffeescript, SCSS, Jade, Bootstrap, UI-Router, Font-Awesome and a few other carefully picked tools that help kick-start web app development. To compile your app, it uses Gulp.js and a number of pre-processors, plugins, and utilities.

Getting Started

  1. I highly recommend that you read through gulpfile.coffee. It's relatively simple and will help you understand how the assets are being compiled in case you run into any issues.
  2. Install dependencies: NPM, Ruby, Bundler, PhantomJS
  3. Clone the repository
  4. Run bundle install. This will install the version of SASS specified in the Gemfile.
  5. Run npm install
  6. Run bower install
  7. Run gulp in one shell. This will watch your files, auto-compile them, and start a local server.
  8. Run npm run test in another shell. This will automatically run your unit tests.
  9. Install LiveReload (optional)
  10. Open your browser to http://localhost:9000.
  11. This site is the default code and the documentation. I suggest checking out the sample code page, but then you just need to remove what you don't want and replace this content with your own. Have fun!

Deploying for Production

If you run gulp deploy, it will compile all the assets and also minify them and then place them into the deploy directory.

Running E2E Tests

  1. npm install -g protractor - Install Protractor globally
  2. webdriver-manager update - Installs the Selenium web driver required to run protractor tests. It may ask you to install the Java Development Kit, which is required.
  3. npm run e2e - This will run the e2e tests. Because these tests are fairly slow, they are not setup to auto-run on file changes.


You can see what the initial template looks like here: Demo


  1. Task to compile for production that minifies all the code and places in a "deploy" directory
  2. Use cache-busting filenames for production mode