

Back Of Your Hand

How well do you know your area? Test your knowledge by locating streets.

Screenshots of the game; one narrow / mobile sized, one desktop sized. In one, the user is asked to find a particular street, but they haven't placed a marker / guess on the map yet. The other is an example where the result of a guess is being shown (i.e. the street is revealed and the distance is shown, etc.)

This is a map-based game I made for my dad for Christmas. You're given random street names and have to locate them on the map.

Try it out at backofyourhand.com

To get more detail on why and how I made it, read Introducing Back Of Your Hand.

The game itself also has documentation within; backofyourhand.com/learn-more

The "Show HN" Hacker News post (rank #2 globally): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30733339


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