


Gemini browser for the terminal

What is Gemini?

Implemented features

  1. Basic text formatting according to the text/gemini specification. (Headings, sub-headings, links and more)
  2. Moving up and down the browsing history.
  3. Redirects from links and separate scrolling for links (Maybe this is an anti-feature?)

Things to be completed soon

  1. Improvements in UI/UX:
    1. Provide visual feedback when a background process (eg. making a request over the network) is happening.
    2. Create a help menu
    3. Provide visual feedback about what command you just used.
    4. Find a fix for infinite scrolling
    5. Allow users to customise the colors of the application (background, Headings, Sub headings, etc.)
  2. Low priority bugs (crash when gemini space has no links, performance issues when scrolling a lot)
  3. Trust on first use (TOFU) for TLS certificates.

Usage (All for normal mode unless mentioned otherwise)

  1. Ctrl + K/L - Scroll link selector Up / Down
  2. Alt + K/L - Scroll through your history
  3. Up / Down - Scroll view
  4. Return / Enter Key - Go to link
  5. Alt + n - Enter URI to navigate to (This takes you into Edit mode)
  6. Ctrl + c - Exit application (Works in Normal and Edit mode)

Rough Screen Recording (Arch, btw)


Gremlin on Android (Termux)
