

The AC Transit Training and Education Department (TED) application

This application supports the District's training operations for transportation and maintenance employees, primarily in the positions of Bus Operators and Heavy Duty Coach Mechanics (Apprentice and Journey), although the system supports new courses and apprenticeship programs. This repository contains a complete application and supporting databases required to run.

Features include:



By default, the application will run in LocalDB mode -- for demo purposes, this is sufficient. For production, we suggest at least SQL Server 2014 Express, attaching the databases to your SQL Server instance, found within the Database folder.

Since the databases reference each other, we included a custom SQLExecute tool, which rewrites database references for your particular environment. When you compile, PublishScripts/publish.bat is executed and creates customized databases under the App_Data directory for the web application (see PublishScripts for more details).


The included Training reports require at least SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2008, located within the SSRS folder. These include:

Courses and Classes


Contact Us

We welcome and encourage your feedback regarding features, found issues, pull requests or any new business processes you have developed. If you want to reach out to our team, please open an issue at https://github.com/actransitorg/ACTransit.Training/issues or visit http://actransit.org/open-source.


Code released under the MIT license. Docs released under Creative Commons.