



ActorCloud is an IoT platform that provides one-stop platform services for enterprises with low-power IoT networks. It provides multiple protocol access, message flow management, data parsing and data processing capabilities for devices on a secure and reliable basis.

The platform provides basic device management functions to connect and manage massive devices, realize message communication and data collection persistence of devices, integrate rule engine and data visualization management, flexibly open multiple privilege level management and control API, quickly develop upper layers through API, and achieve multi-end access and device remote control.

Online Demo & Installation

Getting Started

See the Quick Start document for the basic use of ActorCloud

Device Access

Device Quick Access Guide

For the steps of Accessing Devices to ActorCloud, please see the Device quick access guide.

Device Access Method

Although the device messages in any access mode under the same account are interoperable, the appropriate access method needs to be selected according to the product requirements.

The use of SSL/TLS generally results in higher security while reducing connection performance. Some devices are limited in performance and can only run lightweight CoAP clients, while WebSocket is recommended for real-time communication on the browser.

Attached: Access protocol supported by ActorCloud
NameAccess addressDescription
MQTTbroker.actorcloud.io:1883Normal MQTT access
MQTT/SSLbroker.actorcloud.io:8883SSL MQTT Access (one-way authentication)
MQTT/SSLbroker.actorcloud.io:8884SSL MQTT Access (two-way authentication)
CoAP(LwM2M)broker.actorcloud.io:5683/mqttCoAP/LwM2M Access
CoAP(LwM2M)/DTLSbroker.actorcloud.io:5684/mqttDTLS CoAP/LwM2M Access
MQTT/WebSocketbroker.actorcloud.io:8083/mqttWebSocket Access
MQTT/WebSocket/SSLbroker.actorcloud.io:8084/mqttSSL WebSocket Access
Private TCP transparent protocolcustom madePrivate TCP transparent protocol


ActorCloud is released under Apache 2.0 License.