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:bento: All Settings In One Place!

:heavy_check_mark: System Monitoring :heavy_check_mark: System Configuration :heavy_check_mark: Autostarts :heavy_check_mark: Process Monitor & Killer :heavy_check_mark: Update & Upgrade GUI :heavy_check_mark:Multi Install GUI :heavy_check_mark: Change & Customize DE :heavy_check_mark: Overclocking :heavy_check_mark: Link Collection

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PiGro - Just Click it! brings the normal desktop functionalities back to Pixel!

PiGro - Just Click it! is an all-inclusive graphical user interface (GUI) software that streamlines the process of managing all your Raspberry Pi settings from one convenient location. With PiGro, you can easily keep your software up-to-date, oversee the APT installer, Pi-Apps App Store, and Flatpak, configure autostarts, overclock your Pi, monitor the system's performance, back up your applications, install desktop environments, and customize your OS theme.

Designed with user-friendliness in mind, PiGro is easily accessible to users of all levels of expertise. Its intuitive interface and straightforward controls make it effortless to access and modify any settings you require.

Special thanks to the entire Pi-Apps-Team

Users on Pi-Apps


Since Version 23.04
Github All Releases



Mentioned in Awesome Awesome Raspberry Pi

Blog by https://jhmulder.nl: "Swiss Knife For The Pi."

:floppy_disk: Installation

App Center:


As DEBIAN Package:

Download latest.

If you have already installed Pigro via the script, remove: ~/-PiGro-Aid- and ~/.local/Share/Applications/Pigro.Desktop. Then Install the Debian Package.

Supported Systems:

Raspberry Pi 4 & 5 <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/actionschnitzel/PiGro-Aid-/data/Distros/Raspberry_Pi_Logo.svg" height="14">:


:exclamation: Installation Process & Updates

:exclamation: Important

:hamburger: Latest Changes


:doughnut: Showcase


:two_hearts: You want support me?

PiGro is completely free. I put up to three hours into improvements and updates every day. Not to forget the countless hours I spend reading manuals and reference books. If you like my work, you can support me
