

Delete Package Versions

This action deletes versions of a package from GitHub Packages. This action will only delete a maximum of 100 versions in one run.

What It Can Do


- uses: actions/delete-package-versions@v5
  # Can be a single package version id, or a comma separated list of package version ids.
  # Defaults to an empty string.

  # Owner of the package.
  # Defaults to the owner of the repo executing the workflow.
  # Required if deleting a version from a package hosted in a different org than the one executing the workflow.

  # Name of the package.
  # Required

  # Type of the package. Can be one of docker (v4 or older), container (v5 or newer), maven, npm, nuget, or rubygems.
  # Required

  # The number of old versions to delete starting from the oldest version.
  # Defaults to 1.

  # The number of latest versions to keep.
  # This cannot be specified with `num-old-versions-to-delete`. By default, `min-versions-to-keep` takes precedence over `num-old-versions-to-delete`.
  # When set to 0, all deletable versions will be deleted.
  # When set greater than 0, all deletable package versions except the specified number will be deleted.

  # The package versions to exclude from deletion.
  # Takes regex for the version name as input.
  # By default nothing is ignored. This is ignored when `delete-only-pre-release-versions` is true

  # If true it will delete only the pre-release versions.
  # The number of pre-release versions to keep can be set by using `min-versions-to-keep` value with this.
  # When `min-versions-to-keep` is 0, all pre-release versions get deleted.
  # Defaults to false.
  # Cannot be used with `num-old-versions-to-delete` and `ignore-versions`.

  # If true it will delete only the untagged versions in case of container package.
  # Does not work for other package types and will be ignored.
  # The number of untagged versions to keep can be set by using `min-versions-to-keep` value with this.
  # When `min-versions-to-keep` is 0, all untagged versions get deleted.
  # Defaults to false.
  # Cannot be used with `num-old-versions-to-delete`.

  # The token used to authenticate with GitHub Packages.
  # Defaults to github.token.
  # Required if the repo running the workflow does not have access to delete the package.
  #   For rubygems and maven package, repo has access if package is hosted in the same repo as the workflow.
  #   For container, npm and nuget package, repo has access if assigned **Admin** role under Package Settings > Manage Actions Access.
  #   If `package-version-ids` is given the token only needs the delete packages scope.
  #   If `package-version-ids` is not given the token needs the delete packages scope and the read packages scope

Valid Input Combinations

owner, package-name, package-type and token can be used with the following combinations in a workflow -



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