

Scheme Sketcher library

NOTE: This repo isn't ready for use yet. It's currently being refactored from https://github.com/acteng/atip.

This is a library for building Svelte web apps to edit GeoJSON files with MapLibre. It includes:

This library is higher-level than collections of drawing tools, such as mapbox-gl-draw and terra-draw. If you want individual tools, see route_snapper and maplibre-draw-polygon. If you don't want opinionated state management and layers, then don't use this.

Design choices / non-goals


TODO: Document all of these

Immediate TODOs

Current users

Developer guide

This is a fairly standard Sveltekit project. src/lib is the library meant for use by others, and src/routes is a demo site using it. npm i, then npm run dev to develop locally.