


This project lets your kernel extensions (kexts) target a broad range of XNU kernels when using the latest Xcode version right from the interface. In addition, it also includes several headers only available in other projects or older Xcode releases.

Quick start

To start using MacKernelSDK do the following steps:

  1. Clone MacKernelSDK to your project directory:

    git clone https://github.com/acidanthera/MacKernelSDK
  2. Add custom KERNEL_EXTENSION_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS and KERNEL_FRAMEWORK_HEADERS values in project configuration in Xcode. To do this choose Add User-defined Setting.



  3. Link to custom libkmod.a library by adding it to your kernel extension Link Binary with Libraries.


  4. Ensure that Library Search Paths contains the libkmod.a location, e.g.:


    Otherwise Xcode will link to the original libkmod.

  5. Optionally add /MacKernelSDK to .gitignore.

  6. To make sure that you use the right SDK check for __ACIDANTHERA_MAC_SDK macro in Availability.h.

Targeting i386

To compile for 32-bit you will need to add a set of flags in your project:

  1. Other C Flags (OTHER_CFLAGS):

    • -static
    • -nostdlib
    • -Wno-stdlibcxx-not-found
    • -target i386-apple-macos10.6
    • -fallow-unsupported
    • -fno-stack-protector if targeting 10.5 and older
    • -fno-jump-tables if targeting 10.5 and older
  2. Other Linker Flags (OTHER_LDFLAGS):

    • -static
    • -target i386-apple-macos10.6
  3. C++ Standard Library (CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY) to Compiler Default or empty.

  4. Library Search Paths set to contain a kmod with an i386 slice, e.g. $(PROJECT_DIR)/MacKernelSDK/Library/universal.

  5. The symbol table may be misaligned due to i386 kexts being of type MH_OBJECT.
    fix-macho32 is provided in the scripts directory of ocbuild to correct alignments. Python 3 and macholib are required.


    ./fix-macho32 [bin_path]

Extensions and modifications