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Lilu Kernel extension for installing Rosetta Cryptex in macOS Ventura. Applicable for both OS installation and updates.

With macOS Ventura, Apple finally dropped the last Mac that lacked the AVX2.0 CPU instruction, the 2013 Trash Can Mac Pro (MacPro6,1). With this, systems lacking AVX2.0 can no longer boot Ventura natively as Apple has stripped the legacy non-AVX2.0 dyld shared caches from the OS. However due to compatibility issues with Rosetta 2, Apple is forced to retain a pre-AVX2.0 dyld shared cache on Apple Silicon systems.

Thus to support older machines, this kext will force the macOS installer/updater to install the Apple Silicon Cryptex (OS.dmg) instead of the stock Intel variant. More information can be found under macOS Ventura and OpenCore Legacy Patcher Support: Issue 998. Additionally, this kext will disable Cryptex hash verification in APFS.kext.

Additional notes:

Boot arguments
