

R functions for formatting results in APA style and other stuff

What is it?

Functions for APA-style formatting for statistical tests results in markdown or LaTeX and other miscellanous stuff.

Main functions

describe.AnovaDescribe Anova results
describe.aovDescribe aov results
describe.bfDescribe BayesFactor results
describe.bimod.testDescribe bimodality test results
describe.binom.mean.confDescribe mean and confidence intervals for binomial variable
describe.chiDescribe $chi^2$ results
describe.dip.testDescribe Hartigans' dip test results
describe.ezanovaDescribe ezANOVA results
describe.ezstatsDescribe ezStats results
describe.glmDescribe regression model (GLM, GLMer, lm, lm.circular, ...)
describe.lhtDescribe linearHypothesis test results
describe.lmerDescribe lmer results
describe.lmertDescribe lmerTest results
describe.lmtaovDescribe lmerTest anova results
describe.lsmeansDescribe contrasts created by lsmeans
describe.emmeansDescribe contrasts created by emmeans
describe.mean.and.tDescribe two-sample t-test with means and effect sizes
describe.mean.confDescribe mean and confidence intervals
describe.mean.sdDescribe mean and SD
describe.rDescribe Pearson test results
describe.roc.diffDescribe differences between ROC curves
describe.ttestDescribe t-test results

How to install?


How to use?

Most of the functions have names like "describe.something" where something is a name of statistical test or R function.

They take results of statistical test as input and provide a formatted output. So, for example, if you use repeated measures ANOVA, you can easily get something like "F(3, 54) = 516.61, p < .001" from ezANOVA results.

Methods included:

Additional functions:

Some examples can be found here: https://github.com/achetverikov/apastats/blob/master/example/example.md and in help files.


Everything is provided as is, contributions are welcome, authors of borrowed functions are mentioned in functions descriptions.