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Twitter Status Web Component


Live demo

Base example


Example with attached image

Example with image

Example with hyperlinked hashtags/mentions/URLs and links colored from profile settings.

Example with image


Load directly from unpkg:

<script async src="https://unpkg.com/twitter-status@latest/dist/twitter-status.min.js"></script>

Or installed as a dependency:

npm install twitter-status

And imported:

import 'twitter-status';


twitter-status relies on the shadow DOM and custom elements standards. You will likely need a polyfill until browser support is more ubiquitous.

Polyfills can be loaded via unpkg directly.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@2/bundles/webcomponents-sd-ce.js"></script>

Or installed as a dependency:

npm install @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs

And imported:

import '@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/bundles/webcomponents-sd-ce';


<twitter-status> takes a single value status that must be the full response of GET statuses/show/:id with the parameters include_entities=true and tweet_mode=extended.

You can embed the tweet in the HTML as a JSON string:

<twitter-status status="{\"id_str\":\"20\",...}"></twitter-status>

Or set the property in JS:


  document.querySelector('twitter-status').status = { "id_str": "20", ... };


You can theme the borders. Here is an card example.

  twitter-status.card {
    box-shadow: 0 3px 4px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .08), 0 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);
    border-radius: 2px;
    border-width: 0;
<twitter-status class="card" status="{\"id_str\":\"20\",...}"></twitter-status>

Example with card edges


Why use <twitter-status> instead of Twitter's embedded tweets?

Limitations of <twitter-status>

What other options are there?


Looking for a way to embed users? Check out <twitter-user>.


TwitterStatus is released under an MIT license.

TwitterStatus is not affiliated Twitter, Inc.

Built, tested, and published with Nutmeg.