

Semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Visual Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Review [Journal Pre-print]

Welcome to the official repository of our journal paper:

Semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Visual Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Review

Thang-Anh-Quan Nguyen*, Amine Bourki*, Màtyàs Macudzinski, Anthony Brunel, and Mohammed Bennamoun

(*: Denotes equal contribution).


[Paper] [arXiv$^1$] [Website]

$1$: Most up-to-date version with extended bibliography and additional contents.

1. Introduction

This repository presents a comprehensive review of recent works in the field of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), with a specific focus on the integration of semantic information for enhanced visual scene understanding. Neural radiance fields have demonstrated the potential of coordinate-based neural representation, also known as neural fields or implicit neural representation. Our review aims to provide a detailed analysis of the advancements in this area, shedding light on the significance of semantically-aware NeRFs in various applications.

We invite you to explore the information and insights offered by this repository, which includes a curated list of papers, datasets, and comprehensive benchmark results related to semanticaly-aware NeRFs in the context of visual scene understanding.


Please feel free to contact me, or open a github issue if you have suggestions for improvements, insights, or if you'd like to contribute with new results or references!

2. Comparative Analysis of Previous NeRF Studies


'Semantic Tasks' include: G: 3D Geometry Enhancement, S: Segmentation, E: Editable NeRFs, O: Object Detection and 6D Pose, H: Holistic Decomposition, L: NeRFs and Language, .: denotes missing task. 'Semantic Focus' refers to whether the primary focus of the study is on semantics. *: Interesting reference, but not a journal paper.

3. Taxonomy of our Study on Semantically-aware NeRFs (SRFs)




4. Datasets


Overview of existing datasets for SRF-based multi-view scene understanding.

Legend: ‘Centricity’ refers to scene and/or object-centric datasets, respectively denoted with S and O above.

Datasets with URLVenue#Scenes#ImgsCentricityTypeData ModalitiesAnnotations
3DMV-VQACVPR 20235000600KS+OIndoorRGBVisual question & answer
NeRDS 360ICCV 20237515kS+OUrbanSynthetic3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation
ScanNet++ICCV 20234603.7MSIndoorRGB-D2D/3D panoptic segmentation
KITTI-360PAMI 202210150KS+OUrbanRGB & LiDAR2D/3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation
SHIFTCVPR 202248502.5MS+OUrbanSynthetic2D/3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation
HM3D SemarXiv 2022216-SIndoorMesh3D semantic segmentation
3D-FRONTICCV 202118968-S+OIndoorSynthetic3D semantic segmentation
HyperSimICCV 202146177.4KS+OIndoorSynthetic2D/3D object boxes; 2D/3D panoptic segmentation
WaymoCVPR 202011501MS+OUrbanRGB & LiDAR2D/3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation
nuScenesCVPR 202010001.4MS+OUrbanRGB & LiDAR3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation
ReplicaarXiv 201918-SIndoorMesh2D/3D panoptic segmentation
Matterport 3D3DV 201790194.4KSIndoorRGB-D2D/3D panoptic segmentation
CLEVRCVPR 2017-100KOIndoorSyntheticVisual question & answer
ScanNetCVPR 201715132.5MS+OIndoorRGB-D3D object boxes; 2D/3D panoptic segmentation
Virtual KITTICVPR 2016517KS+OUrbanSynthetic2D/3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation
SUN RGB-DCVPR 20154710.3KS+OIndoorRGB-D2D/3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation
ShapenetarXiv 2015--OObjectsCAD model3D part segmentation
KITTICVPR 20122215KS+OUrbanRGB & LiDAR2D/3D object boxes; 2D panoptic segmentation

5. Benchmarks


Performance overview of the main state-of-the-art SRF methods that jointly address semantic, instance-level, and panoptic segmentation.


If you find this work useful, please consider citing it in your research as follows:

    title          = {Semantically-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Visual Scene Understanding: A Comprehensive Review},
    author         = {Thang-Anh-Quan Nguyen and Amine Bourki and M\'aty\'as Macudzinski and Anthony Brunel and Mohammed Bennamoun},
    year           = {2024},
    eprint         = {2402.11141},
    archivePrefix  = {arXiv},
    primaryClass   = {cs.CV}

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