


iceZ0mb1e aims to build a TV80 based demonstration system-on-chip using complete open source FPGA toolchain flow (http://www.clifford.at/yosys/) including firmware compilation with SDCC.

This is a completely free microcontroller based on customizable open source components.

iceZ0mb1e consists of following parts

Supported FPGAs

No special blocks are used, so every comparable FPGA in size would fit.

Test Firmware

The included test firmware will check the RAM size and write some data to IO ports (blink LEDs). Simple UART access with 9600-8N1 is provided.

Address Map

Build for Target


Running SoC

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abnoname/abnoname.github.io/master/img/iceZ0mb1e/Terminal.png" width="350"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abnoname/abnoname.github.io/master/img/iceZ0mb1e/gtkwave.png" width="350"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abnoname/abnoname.github.io/master/img/iceZ0mb1e/IMG_20180130_003658.jpg" width="350"/> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abnoname/abnoname.github.io/master/img/iceZ0mb1e/IMG_20180130_003538.jpg" width="350"/> </p>

Installing yosys toolchain

Installation of essentials for running yosys, icestorm and nextpnr toolchain (Ubuntu 20.04):

sudo apt-get install make yosys nextpnr-ice40 fpga-icestorm

Installing verilog simulator

sudo apt-get install iverilog gtkwave

Installing SDCC toolchain

sudo apt-get install sdcc sdcc-doc sdcc-libraries sdcc-ucsim \
                     z80asm z80dasm srecord