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The hadamardown package provides a handy template to write a PhD thesis for Université Paris-Saclay and École Doctorale de Mathématiques Hadamard with R and markdown. It is based on the thesisdown package.

⚠️ Don’t forget to check that the templates provided by hadamardown are up to date with the official ones. If not, please fill an issue.


You can install hadamardown from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


Front pageBack cover
<img src="inst/img/cover.jpg"/><img src="inst/img/back.jpg"/>

Official Saclay templates are provided here.

The HTML output is the same as the thesisdown one.

Using hadamardown

You can find general documentation for bookdown or thesisdown on their respective pages.

Once you have LaTeX, RStudio and hadamardown installed on your computer (check here), use File > New File > R Markdown... > From template and then select EDMH Thesis.

<img src="inst/img/new_r_markdown.png"/>

You need to use index for the name (to ensure you have a index.html file at the end) but you can change your directory name later.

You need to fill fields in the YAML to customize your manuscript according to Saclay and EDMH standards.

Please feel free to create an issue or a pull request if you notice a typo or a lack of updates in graphics guidelines or you want to contribute to the package.

Manuscripts with hadamardown