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goldmark-frontmatter is an extension for the goldmark Markdown parser that adds support for parsing YAML and TOML front matter from Markdown documents.


Comparison to goldmark-meta

yuin/goldmark-meta is another extension for goldmark that provides support for frontmatter. Here's a quick comparison of the two extensions:

YAML support (---)
TOML support (+++)
Custom formats
Decode map[string]any
Decode type-safe structs
Render as table


A web-based demonstration of the extension is available at https://abhinav.github.io/goldmark-frontmatter/demo/.


go get go.abhg.dev/goldmark/frontmatter@latest


To use goldmark-frontmatter, import the frontmatter package.

import "go.abhg.dev/goldmark/frontmatter"

Then include the frontmatter.Extender in the list of extensions when constructing your goldmark.Markdown.

    // ...
).Convert(src, out)

By default, this won't have any effect except stripping the front matter from the document. See Accessing front matter on how to read it.


Front matter starts with three or more instances of a delimiter, and must be the first line of the document.

The supported delimiters are:

The front matter block ends with the same number of instances of the delimiter. So if the opening line used 10 occurrences, so must the closing.

title: goldmark-frontmatter
tags: [markdown, goldmark]

Accessing front matter

You can use one of two ways to access front matter parsed by goldmark-frontmatter:

Decode a struct

To decode front matter into a struct, you must pass in a parser.Context when you call Markdown.Convert or Parser.Parse.

md := goldmark.New(
  // ...

ctx := parser.NewContext()
md.Convert(src, out, parser.WithContext(ctx))

Following that, use frontmatter.Get to access a frontmatter.Data object. Use Data.Decode to unmarshal your front matter into a data structure.

d := frontmatter.Get(ctx)

var meta struct {
  Title string   `yaml:"title"`
  Tags  []string `yaml:"tags"`
  Desc  string   `yaml:"description"`
if err := d.Decode(&meta); err != nil {
  // ...

You're not limited to structs here. You can also decode into map[string]any to access all fields.

var meta map[string]any
if err := fm.Decode(&meta); err != nil {
  // ...

However, if you need that, it's easier to read it from the document metadata.

Read from document metadata

You can install the extension with frontmatter.SetMetadata mode:

md := goldmark.New(
    Mode: frontmatter.SetMetadata,
  // ...

In this mode, the extension will decode the front matter into a map[string]any, and set it on the Document. You can access it with the Document.Meta method.

root := md.Parser().Parse(text.NewReader(src))
doc := root.OwnerDocument()
meta := doc.Meta()


This software is made available under the BSD3 license.