

A bash-script based Powerline style prompt for your shell

A Powerline like prompt for Bash using bash scripts

This implementation was inspired by Powerline-Shell. But that version, which is based on python, was exceedingly slow for my taste, taking upto 1.5 seconds for the shell prompt to be set with the python script. Hence, I decided to recreate the appearance created in that prompt using only shell scripts.

Consequently this is not nearly as readily configurable as python based one above. However, with a little bit of effort and knowledge of shell scripts, you can make this look however you desire.

Screenshot of powerline style shell

Main Features

Unicode symbols used

In addition, the following symbols are used to separate different segments: , 


source ~/ps1_prompt


At this point, this script has no simple option for customization apart from manually editting the script to your liking. Once you get the flow of the script, and after familiarizing yourself with the ANSI color codes, it should be fairly straightforward to enhance the script to your taste.

Some resources that can help you with tweaking the script:

If you can contribute to make this script more customizable, please do so and submit a pull request!