

Code to reproduce the results of the paper ELF: Embedded Localisation of Features in Pre-Trained CNN ICCV19


If you use this code, please cite the following paper:

Assia Benbihi, Matthieu Geist, Cédric Pradalier "ELF: Embedded Localisation of Features in Pre-Trained CNN" Proc. ICCV (2019)

  author={Benbihi, Assia and Geist, Matthieu and Pradalier, C{\'e}dric},
  title={ELF: Embedded Localisation of Features in Pre-Trained CNN},
  booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  month = {June},
  year = {2019}

Repo structure


We recommend using docker to have an image with all the dependencies. All the python dependencies are specified in requirements.txt.

Currently, the online display of the image matches is not supported inside docker (because of the issue with X server). If you run the code inside docker, we recommend writing the images and their matches to disk to see them.

We require the specified OpenCV versions as other versions may lead to error messages regarding the patented methods (e.g. sift).

This code requires a GPU. We are not aware of hardware models requirements. This code is tested on the following models: QuadroM2200, K20 and GT1080Ti.

Direct installation

Install the dependencies specified in requirements.txt.

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Warning: if opencv complains about patented algoritms (cf error message at the bottom of the page), one solution is to install these two specific versions:

sudo pip3 install opencv-python==
sudo pip3 install opencv-contrib-python==

If you have issues with installing tensorflow, run this command instead:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/gpu/tensorflow_gpu-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
Docker installation
Image compilation

Requires nvidia-docker. Installation instructions can be found at nvidia-docker. Edit the file docker/Makefile to the path where you clone the data.


Build the image

cd docker
make root

This generates the docker image and run it once the compilation is done. It mounts the elf directory onto the docker image workspace directory.

It can take some time, so while it builds, get the datasets and the weights.

Image running

Once built, you can run the image with

nvidia-docker run --volume="/path/to/elf":"/home/ws" -it  -u root elf bash


Download all the datasets used in the paper with the provided script:

cd datasets
chmod +x get_datasets.sh


Download the pre-trained weights of the networks used in paper with the provided scripts:

cd meta/weights/
chmod +x get_weights.sh


Set the working space path in tools/cst.py. If you cloned you directory in /path/to/ws then:

WS_DIR='/home/ws/' # for docker

Set the dataset you want to use in tools/cst.py':

DATA = data_name

with data_name in:

Set DEBUG to true if you want to see the matches on the images online. Only available if you run the code outside of docker or if you can connect the right docker port that I did not find (sorry).

DEBUG = (1==1)

OpenCV methods

To evaluate an opencv method on experiment number <trials>:

./scripts/bench_cv.sh <method> <data> <trials>
# e.g.
./scripts/bench_cv.sh surf hpatch 0
./scripts/bench_cv.sh sift strecha 1


The results are stored in the file res/<method>/<trials>/log.txt with the following format

*** i_ajuntament *** 0:00
** 2 **
rep:0.568 - N1:500 - N2:500 - M:284
ms:0.332 - N1:500 - N2:500 - M:284 - M_d:500 - inter:166
** 3 **
rep:0.281 - N1:500 - N2:417 - M:117
ms:0.065 - N1:500 - N2:417 - M:117 - M_d:417 - inter:27

The first line holds the scene name. It is followed by the image id being matches with the first image of the scene. The two following lines holds the metrics.

To compute the average repeatability and matching score for that expriments:

python3 tools/display_res.py --method <method> --trials <trials>
# e.g.
python3 tools/display_res.py --method sift --trials 0
python3 tools/display_res.py --method sift --trials 1
>>>> rep:    0.51191
>>>> ms:     0.24603

Evaluate the integration of the ELF detector or the proxy descriptor

Open the script scripts/bench_cv.sh and set ok=1 to activate the script you want to run:


See OpenCV methods section to set the dataset to play with.

VGG variant.

Results are written to res/elf/.

./scripts/bench_elf.sh <trials> <data>
python3 tools/display_res.py --method <method> --trials <trials>

# e.g.
./scripts/bench_elf.sh 0 hpatch
# set DATA='strecha' in tools/cst.py
./scripts/bench_elf.sh 1 strecha
# set DATA='webcam' in tools/cst.py
./scripts/bench_elf.sh 2 webcam
python3 tools/display_res.py --method elf --trials 2
SuperPoint variant

Results are written to res/superpoint/.

./scripts/bench_elf_superpoint.sh <trials> <data>

# e.g.
./scripts/bench_elf_superpoint.sh 0 hpatch
python3 tools/display_res.py --method superpoint --trials 0


Choose the script to run in scripts/bench_superpoint.sh by setting ok=1 before the script. This shell scripts allows you to run the following evaluations.

Evaluate superpoint

To run experiment number <trials>:

./scripts/bench_superpoints.sh <data> <trials>
# e.g.
./scripts/bench_superpoint hpatch 0

Evaluate superpoint detector with proxy descriptor.

The script in 2 steps. The first step runs superpoint detection and saves the keypoint in txt format in res/superpoint/<kp_dir_id>. The second step runs the proxy descriptor and stores the evaluation in res/superpoint/<trials>.

./scripts/bench_superpoints.sh <data> <trials> <kp_dir_id>
# e.g.
./scripts/bench_superpoint.sh 3 hpatch 2
# writes superpoint detector in res/superpoint/2
# writes evaluation results in res/superpoint/3

Evaluate superpoint descriptor with ELF detector.

The script in 2 steps. The first step runs elf detection and saves the keypoint in txt format in res/elf/<kp_dir_id>. The second step runs the superpoint descriptor and stores the evaluation in res/superpoint/<trials>.

./scripts/bench_superpoints.sh <data> <trials> <kp_dir_id>
./scripts/bench_superpoint.sh 4 hpatch 1
# writes superpoint detector in res/elf/1
# writes evaluation results in res/superpoint/4



You need to compile the C++ version of TILDE.

cd methods/tilde/c++
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


./scripts/bench_tilde.sh <trials> <data>
python3 tools/display_res.py --method <method> --trials <trials>

# e.g.
./scripts/bench_tilde.sh 0 hpatch


Choose the script to run in scripts/bench_lift.sh by setting ok=1 before the script. This shell sctrips allows you to run the following evaluations.

Evaluate lift detector and descriptor.

Two models are provided: either the rotation-augmented model or the non augmented one. The script runs in 2 steps. First generate the lift keypoints and descriptors and saves them file with evaluation/gen_lift.sh: the outputs are stored in res/lift/<lift_data_id>. Then compute the metrics with scripts/bench_lfnet.sh.

./evaluation/gen_lift.sh <lift_data_id>
./scripts/bench_lift.sh <lift_data_id> <data> <trials>
python3 evaluation/display_res.py --method lift --trials <trials>

# e.g.
# generate lift keypoint and descriptor in res/lift/0
./evaluation/gen_lift.sh 0

# evaluate lift output in res/lift/0 and writes evaluation in res/lift/1
./scripts/bench_lift.sh 0 hpatch 1
python3 evaluation/display_res.py --method lift --trials 1

Evaluate lift detector with proxy descriptor.

First generate the lift keypoints (see previous section): the outputs are stored in res/lift/<lift_data_id>. Then run the proxy descriptor and stores the evaluation in res/elf/<trials>.

./scripts/gen_lift.sh <lift_data_id>
./scripts/bench_lift.sh <lift_data_id> <data> <trials> 

# e.g.
# generate lift keypoint and descriptor in res/lift/0
./sriptsn/gen_lift.sh 0

# evaluates proxy desriptor with lift kp stored res/lift/0 
# writes evaluation in res/lift/1
./scripts/bench_lift.sh 0 hpatch 1
python3 tools/display_res.py --method lift --trials 1

Evaluate lift descriptor with ELF detector

The script in 3 steps.


Choose the script to run in scripts/bench_lfnet.sh by setting ok=1 before the script. This shell sctrips allows you to run the following evaluations.

Evaluate lfnet detector and descriptor

With either the indoor or the outdoor model.

./scripts/bench_lfnet.sh <trials> <data> <model>
python3 tools/display_res.py --method <method> --trials <trials>

# e.g.
./scripts/bench_lfnet.sh 0 hpatch indoor
./scripts/bench_lfnet.sh 1 hpatch outdoor
python3 tools/display_res.py --method lnet --trials 0

Evaluate lfnet detector with proxy descriptor.

The script in 2 steps. The first step runs lfnet detection and saves the keypoint in txt format in res/lfnet/<kp_dir_id>. The second step runs the proxy descriptor and stores the evaluation in res/elf/<trials>.

./scripts/bench_lfnet.sh <data> <trials> <kp_dir_id>
./scripts/bench_lfnet.sh 3 hpatch indoor 2
# writes lfnet detector in res/lfnet/2
# writes evaluation results in res/lfnet/3

Evaluate lfnet descriptor with ELF detector.

The script in 2 steps. The first step runs elf detection and saves the keypoint in txt format in res/elf/<kp_dir_id>. The second step runs the lfnet descriptor and stores the evaluation in res/lfnet/<trials>.

./scripts/bench_lfnet.sh <data> <trials> <kp_dir_id>
./scripts/bench_lfnet.sh 4 hpatch indoor 1
# writes lfnet detector in res/elf/1
# writes evaluation results in res/lfnet/4


./scripts/bench_elf_lfnet.sh <trials>

python3 tools/display_res.py --method elf-lfnet --trials <trials>
python3 tools/display_res.py --method elf-lfnet --trials 0


Each script plot is named after the paper figure number.

cd plots
python3 fig5_hpatch.py 

Known issues

OpenCV versions