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A python package to scrape time series from any excel file. Like these ones:

And return them turned into pandas data frames.


This package is still in a heavy development stage and the design may still be object of radical changes. Anyway, if you want to give it a try or contribute follow these instructions to install it on your machine.

If you want to install it in developer mode, clone the repository and:

If you are using Anaconda as your python distribution

  1. conda create -n xlseries python=2 Create new environment
  2. cd project_directory
  3. source activate xlseries (on Mac) or activate xlseries (on Windows) Activate the environment
  4. pip install -e . Install the package in developer mode
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt Install dependencies
  6. deactivate Deactivate when you are done

If you are using a standard python installation

  1. cd project_directory
  2. virtualenv venv Create new environment
  3. source venv/bin/activate Activate the environment
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt Install dependencies
  5. deactivate Deactivate when you are done

If you just want to use it without hacking on it:

Avoid cloning the repository and pip install xlseries in your virtual environment, instead of pip install -e . and pip install -r requirements.txt.

If you want to check the installation was successful and everything is working ok:

from xlseries import run_all_tests

Quick start

from xlseries import XlSeries
xl = XlSeries("path_to_excel_file" or openpyxl.Workbook instance)
dfs = xl.get_data_frames("path_to_json_parameters" or parameters_dictionary)

With the test case number 1:

from xlseries import XlSeries
from xlseries.utils.path_finders import get_orig_cases_path, get_param_cases_path

# this will only work if you clone the repo with all the test files
path_to_excel_file = get_orig_cases_path(1)  
path_to_json_parameters = get_param_cases_path(1)

xl = XlSeries(path_to_excel_file)
dfs = xl.get_data_frames(path_to_json_parameters)

or passing only the critical parameters as a dictionary:

parameters_dictionary = {
    "headers_coord": ["B1","C1"],
    "data_starts": 2,
    "frequency": "M",
    "time_header_coord": "A1"
dfs = xl.get_data_frames(parameters_dictionary)

you can specify what worksheet you want to scrape (otherwise the first one will be used):

dfs = xl.get_data_frames(parameters_dictionary, ws_name="my_worksheet")

you can ask an XlSeries object for a template dictionary of the critical parameters you need to fill:

>>> params = xl.critical_params_template()
>>> params
{'data_starts': 2,
 'frequency': 'M',
 'headers_coord': ['B1', 'C1', 'E1-G1'],
 'time_header_coord': 'A1'}
>>> params["headers_coord"] = ["B1","C1"]
>>> dfs = xl.get_data_frames(params, ws_name="my_worksheet")

if this doesn't work and you want to see exactly where the scraping is failing, you may want to fill out all the parameters and try again to see where the exception is raised:

>>> params = xl.complete_params_template()
>>> params
{'alignment': u'vertical',
 'blank_rows': False,
 'continuity': True,
 'data_ends': None,
 'data_starts': 2,
 'frequency': 'M',
 'headers_coord': ['B1', 'C1', 'E1-G1'],
 'missing_value': [None, '-', '...', '.', ''],
 'missings': False,
 'series_names': None,
 'time_alignment': 0,
 'time_composed': False,
 'time_header_coord': 'A1',
 'time_multicolumn': False}
>>> params["headers_coord"] = ["B1","C1"]
>>> params["data_ends"] = 256
>>> params["missings"] = True
>>> dfs = xl.get_data_frames(params, ws_name="my_worksheet")

Take a look to this [ipython notebook template](docs/notebooks/Example use case.ipynb) to get started!.

If you want to dig inside the test cases and get an idea of how far is going xlseries at the moment, check out this [ipython notebook with the 7 test cases](docs/notebooks/Test cases.ipynb).

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Problem context (or why this package is a good idea)

Researchers, students, consultants and civil activists that use public data waste a lot of time finding, downloading, understanding, parsing, transforming, comparing, structuring and ultimately updating the data they need to use in their analysis. The process is so time/effort consuming sometimes that can diminish notoriously the capacity of a team or an individual of doing the actual job with the data. Valuable data is not used, avoidable errors are made, duplicity of work is done everywhere, history of data is very often lost, similar data is not compared and ultimate analysis is done with less time, patience and resources than could and should be done.

A package like this one, would be an invaluable tool for automating the process of using data published only in human-readable excel layouts.

International organisms

There are many public organisms (generally, international organisms) that do a huge work in this field gathering and centralizing time series from many countries, but very often this sources are not good enough for researchers working in developing countries problematics due to a number of problems:

  1. Developing countries data is frequently scarce, incomplete or doubtful in those big data collector organisms. These are better sources for developed countries data.
  2. International organisms do not use lots of valuable data coming from non official sources that are key to researchers.
  3. International organisms make decisions about the data to present a final time-series piece, but lots of comparisons, analysis and research-specific considerations can not be made if only one version of a data series is provided.
  4. International organisms have a specific target or framework for its data collection activity that sometimes aims to force cross country comparability or targets certain kinds of data.

Some of the best institutions that collect and organize data are:

Some common problems using data in developing countries (and in others too!)


Each time series has it's own parameters. Parameters can be passed to XlSeries.get_data_frames() as a path to a json file that looks like this:

Complete parameters for test case 2 in JSON formatting

{"alignment": "vertical",
 "headers_coord": ["D4", "F4"],
 "data_starts": [5, 22],
 "data_ends": [2993, 2986],
 "frequency": ["D", "M"],
 "time_header_coord": ["C4", "F4"],
 "time_multicolumn": false,
 "time_composed": false,
 "time_alignment": [0, -1],
 "continuity": [true, false],
 "blank_rows": [false, true],
 "missings": [true, false],
 "missing_value": ["Implicit", null],
 "series_names": null}

or as a python dictionary that look like this:

{"alignment": "vertical",
 "headers_coord": ["D4", "F4"],
 "data_starts": [5, 22],
 "data_ends": [2993, 2986],
 "frequency": ["D", "M"],
 "time_header_coord": ["C4", "F4"],
 "time_multicolumn": False,
 "time_composed": False,
 "time_alignment": [0, -1],
 "continuity": [True, False],
 "blank_rows": [False, True],
 "missings": [True, False],
 "missing_value": ["Implicit", None],
 "series_names": None}

If many series are to be scraped from a single excel file, parameters for each series should be written in lists, but only if they differ between series (as you can see in the previous example). It is not necessary to write parameters that repeat themselves in all the series (like the alignment, which is usually common to all the series in the spreadsheet).

Disclaimer: The list and description of parameters can change any time, as this project is still under heavy development.

When parameters differ between series (and if they are not optional), they must be treated as critical and be provided by the user. In that sense, the critical parameters that test case 2 needs to run are:

{"headers_coord": ["D4", "F4"],
 "data_starts": [5, 22],
 "frequency": ["D", "M"],
 "time_header_coord": ["C4", "F4"],
 "time_alignment": [0, -1],
 "continuity": [True, False],
 "blank_rows": [False, True],
 "missings": [True, False],
 "missing_value": ["Implicit", None]}

In the following descriptions, parameters without quotes are non-string values in the json_way (python_way)

Critical parameters

The user must specify at least these 4 parameters:

Parameters that can be guessed

The following parameters can be guessed by the package, but only if they don't differ between series. Any parameters whose values differ between the series to be scraped (the ones specified in headers_coord) must also be specified.

The parameter missing_value should be specified every time that a special kind of missing value that is not "", null (None) or "." could appear in the series and should be taken as a missing value instead of an error or the end of the series.

Optional parameters

Development status

Test cases

There are 7 test cases. Each test case was chosen because it adds something new that xlseries wasn't able to deal with it before. Next, there is a list of new issues brought by each case, in addition to the previous ones.

If you find a new test case that cannot be solved by xlseries in its current development stage, I would greatly appreciate you sending it to me.

Test case 1

<div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case1_c.png" height="200px"> </div> * Vertical series (always) * Monthly frequency (always - not multi-frequency) * Data starts in row 2 * Headers: no header for time field, header for data series * Secondary series and notes in additional columns * Continuous main series layout * Missings in secondary series * Time-stamp in date format * Footnotes with source

Test case 2

<div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case2_a.png" height="200px"> </div> * Daily frequency (always - not multi-frequency) * Data doesn't start in row 2 * Headers for data and time field * Secondary interrupted series (monthly) * No footnotes * Time-stamp mistakes: need to clean data before using it <div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case2_bc.png" height="200px"> </div>

Change from date format to string format (excel types) unexpectedly (left) Human typo in the month of "06-05-11" that should be "06-07-11" (right)

Test case 3

<div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case3_a.png" height="200px"> </div> * Quarterly frequency (always - not multi-frequency) * No secondary series * Time-stamp in string format. String composed in the same cell. * Footnotes with source

Test case 4

<div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case4_b.png" height="200px"> </div> * Composed name with hierarchy and aggregation of same hierarchy levels * Missings with strings * Aggregation data close to the series * New data series starting after previous ones

Test case 5

<div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case5_a.png" height="200px"> </div> * Interrupted layout of data series * Composed time-stamp using more than one cell * Time-stamp header far from data starting * Dirty cells between headers and data start * False series (meta-data for other series)

Test case 6

<div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case6_a.png" height="200px"> </div> * Horizontal series (always) - Position of header and footer changes! (is not only a matter of transposing the entire sheet) * Composed time-stamp plus two frequencies (aggregation in between) * Different levels of aggregation mixed * Composed series names at the same hierarchy level (column with a "Total" in the end of several partial columns) * Progressive aggregation of series identifiable with sum of results, change in capitalization and bold letters

Test case 7

<div align="middle"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abenassi/xlseries/master/docs/xl_screenshots/test_case7_a.png" height="200px"> </div> * Progressive aggregation identifiable with strings indentation * Yearly series


Up to this moment the package can handle these 7 test cases, providing some critical parameters. New test cases that may appear (with different issues than the ones covered by these ones) should be easily supported adding some code (to deal with new ways to express time values, new time index structures, new multifrequency patterns, etc) and, eventually, a new parameter (although this should be very weird.)

The ultimate goal is that for any given excel file the user can possibly have, xlseries be able to extract all time series in the spreadsheet and return pandas data frames.


All contributions are very welcome!

I aim to keep the design of this package strongly modularized and decoupled to allow working in different parts of the problem in an isolated way with respect of other parts of the system.

A non-exhaustive list of ways that you can contribute:

Code style conventions

For all contributions, we intend to follow the Google Ptyhon Style Guide

Brainstorming and design thoughts about the package

Proximately these two files will be moved to issues, to encourage the participation of other people! You can check out some design thoughts to look into some decisions that were made (and some decisions that are still being evaluated) and some brainstorming ideas about possible strategies to discover parameters and other stuff like that.


Copyright 2015 Agustin Benassi

Released under GPL3, like GNU readline.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.