


The file PKGBUILD does following: </br>

(1) Clones AIS-catcher source-code from https://github.com/jvde-github/AIS-catcher </br>

(2) Builds executable binary and packages it, alongwith other support files, into following package: </br>



(3) Offers to install aiscatcher [yes/no] </br>

The package installation does following: </br>

(1) Installs Linux executeable in folder /usr/local/bin/ </br>

(2) Creates Systemd service to automatically start AIS-catcher when RPi boots, and run AIS-catcher in background. </br>

(3) Provides Systemd commands to start stop, restart, and display status, and journalctl logs of AIS-catcher </br>


Copy-paste following commands one-by-one in SSH console and press Enter key. to Install / Upgrade / Reinstall Latest Version of AIS-catcher. </br>

sudo pacman -S --needed git fakeroot

git clone https://github.com/abcd567a/archlinux-aiscatcher  

cd archlinux-aiscatcher

makepkg -si  



(1) If on RPi you have installed AIS Dispatcher or OpenCPN, </br> it should be configured to use UDP Port 10110, IP OR </br>

(2) Open file aiscatcher.conf by following command: </br>

sudo nano /usr/share/aiscatcher/aiscatcher.conf     


The defalt content of above file are as shown below: </br>

 -d 00000162
 -v 10
 -M DT
 -gr TUNER 38.6 RTLAGC off
 -s 2304k
 -p 3
 -o 4
 -u 10110
 -N 8383
 -N PLUGIN_DIR /usr/share/aiscatcher/my-plugins   


(3) In above file: </br> (a) Change 00000162 in "-d 00000162" to actual Serial Number of AIS dongle </br> (b) Change 3 in "-p 3" to the actual ppm correction figure of dongle </br> (c) Change 38.6 in "-gr TUNER 38.6 RTLAGC off" to desired Gain of dongle </br> (d) Add following line and replace xx.xxx and yy.yyy by actual values: </br> -N STATION MyStation LAT xx.xxx LON yy.yyy </br> (e) For each Site you want to feed AIS data, add a new line as follows: </br> -u [URL or IP of Site] [Port Number of Site] </br> (f) Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x) file aiscatcher.conf </br>

IMPORTANT: If you are Upgrading or Reinstalling, your old config file is saved as </br> /usr/share/aiscatcher/aiscatcher.conf.old </br>

(4) REBOOT RPi ... REBOOT RPi ... REBOOT RPi ... REBOOT RPi </br>

(5) See the Web Interface (Map etc) at </br> (IP-of-PI:8383) </br>

(6) Command to see Status sudo systemctl status aiscatcher </br>

(7) Command to Restart sudo systemctl restart aiscatcher </br>

(8) Command to Stop sudo systemctl stop aiscatcher </br>


Command to view Log:

sudo journalctl -u aiscatcher -n 20 </br></br>

Determining the PPM Correction (for use in file aisctacher.conf) </br>

(1) Install test software </br> sudo apt install rtl-sdr </br>

(2) Determin the device index of the dongle for AIS-catcher by following command </br> rtl_test -t </br>

(3) The device index will be 0 or 1, or 2 etc. </br> Use following command to determine ppm </br> NOTE: Replace n in command below by device index you found above </br> rtl_test -d n -p60 </br>

(4) Wait until the cumulative error value (in PPM) remains more-or-less the same for three consecutive minutes. </br> Note the last cumulative error value (in PPM) and use it in config of AIS-catcher.</br> For example if the value determined by above test is 7, the entry in config file will be -p 7 </br>



Command to view full Log:

sudo journalctl -u aiscatcher -n 20 </br></br>

Commands to view specific parts of log:

Command: </br> sudo journalctl -u aiscatcher -n 200 | grep -o 'received.*' </br> Output: </br> received: 12 msgs, total: 59754 msgs, rate: 1.19834 msg/s </br>

Command: </br> sudo journalctl -u aiscatcher -n 200 | grep -o 'rate.*' </br> Output: </br> rate: 1.29752 msg/s </br>

Command: </br> sudo journalctl -u aiscatcher -n 30 | awk -F',' '{print $14}' </br> Output: </br> "ppm":4.340278 </br>

Command: </br> sudo journalctl -u aiscatcher -n 30 | awk -F',' '{print $13}' </br> Output: </br> "signalpower":-46.787212 </br>

In above command's last part, i.e. in {print $4}, substitute $4 by values listed in first column of the table below to get the output shown in second column of the table.


$nOutput Example
$1Jan 05 04:48:16 debian11 aiscatcher[38575]: [AIS engine v0.42 #0] </br> received: 16 msgs </br> Jan 05 04:48:17 debian11 aiscatcher[38575]: {"class":"AIS"
$5"channel":"A" </br> "channel":"B"
$10A </br> B
$1114eIvM6P00rDSONHv0pf4?vR2@:2 </br> 8h30ot1?0@<BbDPPPP3D<oPPEU;M418T@00BbDPPPPC=DoN0lU:2WQ8v
$1225C"] </br> 002"]
$17"status_text":"Aground" </br> "status_text":"Under way using engine"


To Uninstall AIS-catcher

sudo pacman -R aiscatcher