

resholve references to external dependencies in shell scripts


resholve ensures shell script dependencies are declared, present, and don't break or shift if PATH changes. It helps turn shell scripts and libraries into reliable, self-contained packages you can use as building blocks.

resholve treats references to external commands (and sourced scripts) as build-blocking errors until you declare the dependency. Once they're all declared, it rewrites the references to absolute paths.


Convinced? Jump to the Quickstart. Otherwise:

What problem(s) does this solve?

I built resholve so Nix/Nixpkgs can have great shell packaging.

In the Nix ecosystem, resholve helps us:

Note: resholve is a generic command-line program. Other ecosystems/toolchains could use it for similar benefits.


If you're packaging Shell with Nix, you'll want to use resholve's Nix API.

You can also use resholve's CLI directly.

Note: resholve is only packaged with Nix for now. Whether you use the CLI or the Nix API, you'll need to have Nix installed.


Since resholve's Nix API/builders are included in nixpkgs, most Nix users can jump right in. Two good places to start:

Tip: If you're an experienced packager or write a lot of Shell, you may also want to read through resholve's Nix demo. It's terse, but it ~proves that Nix + resholve enable us to build shell packages that are so well-contained we can safely compose them even when they have conflicting dependencies.


resholve has an explicit-is-better-than-implicit philosophy, so its CLI is pretty verbose. You can use it directly, but it's more or less assumed that you'll use it through scripts or packaging toolchains. (You may not need to learn the CLI unless you're using it on scripts you can't build Nix expressions for, integrating it with other toolchains, packaging it, or contributing to resholve itself.)

If you're new to resholve, start with the demo shell.

If you just want resholve itself (no preconfigured demo environment), use the instructions for building/installing a development version or a stable version.

Note: However you obtain the resholve CLI, check man resholve for CLI usage.

Demo shell

The demo shell pulls in prerequisites for resholve's command-line demo. This demo illustrates resholve's basic features, invocation patterns, output, error messages, exit statuses, and how resholving a script changes it.

The easy way to run the demo is with Nix's experimental nix-command and flakes features enabled. The following command will load the demo shell environment and print more information on how to proceed:

nix develop github:abathur/resholve

Note: There's more on the demo's output format and a plaintext copy of the output in the Demos document.

<details> <summary>Traditional `nix-shell` instructions</summary>

You can also use the demo via nix-shell if you clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/abathur/resholve.git
cd resholve

Development versions

resholve's master branch is fairly stable. If you have Nix's experimental nix-command and flakes features enabled, you should be able to use it with any of the below:

# without cloning
nix build github:abathur/resholve
nix shell github:abathur/resholve

# from the root of a resholve checkout
nix build
nix shell
<details> <summary>Traditional `nix-build` instructions</summary>

You can build resholve from a checkout with the traditional CLI:

git clone https://github.com/abathur/resholve.git
cd resholve

Caution: The same isn't quite true of nix-shell, which will load the demo shell. This might be fine for your purposes, but keep in mind that it pre-populates some environment variables just for the demo.


Stable versions

You can get a cached stable version of resholve from Nixpkgs:

# new CLI/flakes
NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 nix shell --impure nixpkgs#resholve
NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 nix shell --impure github:nixos/nixpkgs#resholve

# traditional CLI
NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 nix-shell -p resholve

Note: the high-quality shell parser resholve builds on uses python2. nixpkgs has taken steps to protect users from accidental run-time use of python2. resholve will still work at build-time for use in Nix packages. You only need the NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE env to use nixpkgs' copy of resholve in a shell. To be safe, don't run resholve on untrusted input.

(This isn't permanent. resholve should eventually be able to move to python3.)


If you're looking to improve resholve or the broader ecosystem (resholve + binlore), feel free to open an issue, reach out to me on Matrix, or send an email.

There's much to do. Some of it is simple and straightforward. Some of it's creative and green-field. Some of it's difficult. I've focused on primary work at the expense of documenting an onramp for other contributors--but I'm happy to help you get started and use the opportunity to build the ramp as we go.

You can rebuild resholve by following the instructions for building a development version. resholve's tests don't run during the build, so you should also validate the codebase by running make ci.

Note: Some documentation updates entail updating generated files. I use make update for this, but this will also usually cause some churn in timings.md and demos.md. It's generally fine to skip committing those changes if they aren't meaningful. Feel free to bug me if you aren't comfortable doing this or need feedback.







Known Gaps & Edge Cases in the utility itself

Because Shell is a very flexible, tricky language, resholve necessarily focuses on low-hanging-fruit tasks. Some of these will inevitably be supported over time, while others may stay out of reach. Please open an issue if you find a new one.

The main areas I'm currently aware of:
