

Running Haskell AWS Lambda Functions

This repository contains code and directions to run Haskell executables over AWS Lambda "serverless" infrastructure. This experiment was triggered by reading description of apex provide a wrapper to run Go code.

Howto - Automated Way

The main.hs aims at automating the deployment of Haskell code packages to AWS Lambda:

Interaction with AWS is done through the excellent amazonka package.

To build CLI program:

$ stack build

Creating an AWS Lambda package (requires docker):

$ ./main lambda build --build-target foo --source-directory foo/

This generates a lambda.zip file in the current directory that contains something like:

$ unzip -l lambda.zip
Archive:  lambda.zip
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     1131  06-07-16 10:38   run.js
 32648176  06-07-16 10:38   words
   364776  06-07-16 10:38   libblas.so.3
  5638304  06-07-16 10:38   liblapack.so.3
  1186104  06-07-16 10:38   libgfortran.so.3
   244904  06-07-16 10:38   libquadmath.so.0
 --------                   -------
 40083395                   6 files

Deploying an existing lambda.zip file to AWS:

$ ./main lambda deploy --function-name foo

This creates function foo that can be invoked manually (see below).

Deleting an API Gateway endpoint:

$ ./main api delete --endpoint fooAPI

Note that AWS has a rate limit on API deletions.


Howto - The Manual Way

Prepare environment

Simple Build

Complex Build

A lot of interesting pieces of code rely on external C libraries. For example, hmatrix relies on LAPACK and BLAS libraries for efficient matrix operations and compiled executable will need to be dynamically (or statically) linked to those libraries for proper execution. The above directions should be updated to take into account those extraneous libraries:

Deploy to AWS Lambda

The provided main.hs simply output its input to its output. There should be an execution trace in the logs hosted on CloudWatch:

