


Crates.io Homebrew CI workflow

Run commands in parallel and aggregate outputs. Async application using tokio.

Example commands and detailed manual.

Listed in Awesome Rust - utilities

Similar interface to GNU Parallel or xargs plus useful features:




With Homebrew installed, run

brew install rust-parallel

Pre-built release

  1. Download a pre-built release from Github Releases for Linux, MacOS, or Windows.
  2. Extract the executable and put it somewhere in your $PATH.

From Crates.io via Cargo

  1. Install Rust

  2. Install the latest version of this app from crates.io:

    $ cargo install rust-parallel   

The same cargo install rust-parallel command will also update to the latest version after initial installation.


  1. Examples - complete runnable commands to give an idea of overall features.
  2. Manual - more detailed manual on how to use individual features.
  3. Benchmarks
  4. Output Interleaving - output interleaving in rust-parallel compared with other commands.

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