

Conformal Risk Control

This is the official repository of Conformal Risk Control by Anastasios N. Angelopoulos, Stephen Bates, Adam Fisch, Lihua Lei, and Tal Schuster.

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Technical background

In the risk control problem, we are given some loss function $L_i(\lambda) = \ell(X_i,Y_i,\lambda)$. For example, in multi-label classification, you can think of the loss function as the false negative proportion $L_i(\lambda) = 1 - \frac{|Y_{i} \cap C_{\lambda}(X_{i})|}{|Y_i|}$, where $C_{\lambda}(X_{i})$ is the set-valued output of a machine learning model. As $\lambda$ grows, so does the set $C_{\lambda}(X_{i})$, which shrinks the false negative proportion. We seek to choose $\hat{\lambda}$ based on the first $n$ data points to control the expected value of its loss <i>on a new test point</i> at some user-specified risk level $\alpha$, $$\mathbb{E}\big[L_{n+1}(\hat{\lambda})\big] \leq \alpha.$$

The conformal risk control algorithm is in core/get_lhat.py. It is 5 lines long, including the function header.


Each of the {polyps, coco, hierarchical-imagenet, qa} folders contains a worked example of conformal risk control with a different risk function. polyps does gut polyp segmentation with false negative rate control. coco does multi-label classification with false negative rate control. hierarchical-imagenet does hierarchical classification and chooses the resolution of its prediction by bounding the graph distance to an ancestor of the true label. Finally, qa controls the F1-score in open-world question answering.


For the computer vision experiments, run

  conda env create -f environment.yml
  conda activate conformal-risk

This will install all dependencies for the vision experiments.

For the question-answering task, follow the instructions in qa/README.md.

Reproducing the experiments

After setting up the environment, enter the example folder and run the appropriate risk_histogram.py file. To produce the grids of images in the paper, run the python file containing the word grid in each folder.


  title={Conformal Risk Control},
  author={Angelopoulos, Anastasios N and Bates, Stephen and Fisch, Adam and Lei, Lihua and Schuster, Tal},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.02814},