

Angular-filter   NPM version Build status Test coverage License

Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS (with no external dependencies!)

<h3 align="center"> <img src="https://angular.io/assets/images/logos/angular/angular.svg" width="50" alt="angular pipes"><br/> Angular 2 version is now available: <a href="https://github.com/a8m/ng-pipes">ng-pipes</a> </h3>

Table of contents:

Get Started

(1) You can install angular-filter using 4 different methods:

(2) Include angular-filter.js (or angular-filter.min.js) in your index.html, after including Angular itself.

(3) Add 'angular.filter' to your main module's list of dependencies.

When you're done, your setup should look similar to the following:

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">

    <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.3.0/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script src="bower_components/angular-filter/dist/angular-filter.min.js"></script>
        var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['angular.filter']);




Concatenates an array/object into another one.

function MainController ($scope) {
  $scope.array = [ {a: 1}, {a: 2} ];
  $scope.object = {
    0: {a: 3},
    1: {a: 4}
<li ng-repeat="elm in array | concat:object">
  {{ elm.a }}

1 2 3 4

<li ng-repeat="elm in object | concat:array">
  {{ elm.a }}

3 4 1 2


Remove duplicates from an array/object.<br/> If a string is provided, it will filter out duplicates using the provided expression.<br/> Usage: collection | unique: 'property' <br/> aliases: uniq

function MainController ($scope) {
  $scope.orders = [
    { id:1, customer: { name: 'John', id: 10 } },
    { id:2, customer: { name: 'William', id: 20 } },
    { id:3, customer: { name: 'John', id: 10 } },
    { id:4, customer: { name: 'William', id: 20 } },
    { id:5, customer: { name: 'Clive', id: 30 } }

Ex: Filter by customer.id

<th>Customer list:</th>
<tr ng-repeat="order in orders | unique: 'customer.id'" >
   <td> {{ order.customer.name }} , {{ order.customer.id }} </td>

<!-- result:
All customers list:
John 10
William 20
Clive 30


Filter a collection by a specific property.<br/> Usage: collection | filterBy: [prop, nested.prop, etc..]: search: strict[optional]<br/> Note: You can even use compound properties (e.g: |filterBy: [property + property]: model)<br/>

$scope.users = [
  { id: 1, user: { first_name: 'Rob', last_name: 'John',  mobile: 4444 } },
  { id: 2, user: { first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Wayne',  mobile: 3333 } },
  { id: 3, user: { first_name: 'Rob', last_name: 'Johansson',  mobile: 2222 } },
  { id: 4, user: { first_name: 'Mike', last_name: 'Terry',  mobile: 1111 } }

Return users whose id is 1

<!--search only by id -->
<th ng-repeat="user in users | filterBy: ['id']: 1">
  {{ user.id }} : {{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}
  1: Rob John

Return users whose first name or last name is 'John' (uses nested properties).

<!--search by first_name and last_name -->
<th ng-repeat="user in users | filterBy: ['user.first_name', 'user.last_name']: 'John'">
  {{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}
  1: Rob John
  2: John Wayne

Return users whose full name is

<!--search by full name -->
<th ng-repeat="user in users | filterBy: ['user.first_name + user.last_name']: 'Rob Joh'">
  {{ user.id }}: {{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}
  1: Rob John
  3: Rob Johannson


Gets the first element(s) of a collection.<br/> If an expression is provided, it will only return elements whose expression is truthy.<br/> Usage: See below <br/>

$scope.users = [
  { id: 1, name: { first: 'John', last: 'Wayne' } },
  { id: 2, name: { first: 'Mike', last: 'Johannson' } },
  { id: 3, name: { first: 'William', last: 'Kyle' } },
  { id: 4, name: { first: 'Rob', last: 'Thomas' } }

Returns the first user.

{{ users | first }}
{ id: 1, name: { first: 'John', last: 'Wayne' } }

Returns the first user whose first name is 'Rob' and last name is 'Thomas'

<!-- collection | first: expression -->
{{ users | first: 'name.first === \'Rob\' && name.last === \'Thomas\'' }}
[ { id: 4, name: { first: 'Rob', last: 'Thomas' } } ]

Return the first two users

<!-- collection | first: n -->
<th ng-repeat="user in users | first: 2">
  {{ user.name.first }}

Return the first two users with even id

<!-- collection | first: n: expression -->
<th ng-repeat="user in users | first: 2: '!(id%2)'">
  {{ user.name }}


Gets the last element or last n elements of a collection,<br/> if expression is provided, is returns as long the expression return truthy<br/> Usage: See below <br/>

$scope.users = [
  { id: 1, name: { first: 'foo', last: 'bar' } },
  { id: 2, name: { first: 'baz', last: 'bar' } },
  { id: 3, name: { first: 'bar', last: 'bar' } },
  { id: 4, name: { first: 'lol', last: 'bar' } }
{{ users | last }}
{ id: 4, name: { first: 'lol', last: 'bar' } }
<!-- collection | last: expression -->
{{ users | last: 'name.last === \'bar\'' }}
[ { id: 4, name: { first: 'lol', last: 'bar' } } ]
<!-- collection | last: n -->
<th ng-repeat="user in users | last: 2">
  {{ user.name }}
<!-- collection | last: n: expression -->
<th ng-repeat="user in users | last: 2: '!(id%2)'">
  {{ user.name }}


Flattens a nested array (the nesting can be to any depth).<br/> If you pass shallow, the array will only be flattened a single level<br/> Usage: collection | flatten: shallow[optional]

$scope.weirdArray = [[], 1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9, [10, 11, [12, [[[[[13], [[[[14, 15]]]]]]]]]]]]];
<th ng-repeat="elm in wierdArray | flatten">
 {{ elm }},
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


Joins the contents of a collection into a string.<br/> By default, it will join elements with a single space, but you can provide your own delimiter.

Usage: collection | join:', '


$scope.names = ['John', 'Sebastian', 'Will', 'James'];
<p>{{ names | join:', ' }}</p>
<!-- Will print "John, Sebastian, Will, James" -->


fuzzy string searching(approximate string matching). Read more<br/> note: use fuzzyBy to filter by one property to improve performance<br/> Usage: collection | fuzzy: search: caseSensitive[optional]

$scope.books = [
  { title: 'The DaVinci Code', author: 'F. Scott Fitzgerald' },
  { title: 'The Great Gatsby', author: 'Dan Browns' },
  { title: 'Angels & Demons',  author: 'Dan Louis' },
  { title: 'The Lost Symbol',  author: 'David Maine' },
  { title: 'Old Man\'s War',   author: 'Rob Grant' }
<input type="text" ng-model="search" placeholder="search book" />
<li ng-repeat="book in books | fuzzy: search">
  {{ book.title }}
<!--case sensitive-->
<li ng-repeat="book in books | fuzzy: search: true">
  {{ book.title }}


fuzzy string searching(approximate string matching) by property(nested to). Read more<br/> Usage: collection | fuzzyBy: 'property': search: caseSensitive[optional]

$scope.books = [
  { title: 'The DaVinci Code' },
  { title: 'The Great Gatsby' },
  { title: 'Angels & Demons'  },
  { title: 'The Lost Symbol'  },
  { title: 'Old Man\'s War'   }
<input type="text" ng-model="search" placeholder="search by title" />
<li ng-repeat="book in books | fuzzyBy: 'title': search">
  {{ book.title }}
<!--case sensitive-->
<li ng-repeat="book in books | fuzzyBy: 'title': search: true">
  {{ book.title }}


Create an object composed of keys generated from the result of running each element of a collection,<br/> each key is an array of the elements.<br/> Usage: (key, value) in collection | groupBy: 'property' or ... | groupBy: 'nested.property'

$scope.players = [
  {name: 'Gene', team: 'alpha'},
  {name: 'George', team: 'beta'},
  {name: 'Steve', team: 'gamma'},
  {name: 'Paula', team: 'beta'},
  {name: 'Scruath', team: 'gamma'}
  <li ng-repeat="(key, value) in players | groupBy: 'team'">
    Group name: {{ key }}
      <li ng-repeat="player in value">
        player: {{ player.name }}
<!-- result:
  Group name: alpha
    * player: Gene
  Group name: beta
    * player: George
    * player: Paula
  Group name: gamma
    * player: Steve
    * player: Scruath


Create an object composed of keys generated from the result of running each element of a collection,<br/> each key is the count of objects in each group<br/> Usage: (key, value) in collection | countBy: 'property' or ... | countBy: 'nested.property'

$scope.players = [
  {name: 'Gene', team: 'alpha'},
  {name: 'George', team: 'beta'},
  {name: 'Steve', team: 'gamma'},
  {name: 'Paula', team: 'beta'},
  {name: 'Scruath', team: 'gamma'}
<li ng-repeat="(key, value) in players | countBy: 'team'" >
  Group name: {{ key }}, length: {{ value }}
<!-- result:
  Group name: alpha, length: 1
  Group name: beta, length: 2
  Group name: gamma, length: 2


Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks Usage: (key, value) in collection | chunkBy: 'n': fill-value(optional)

$scope.array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
<li ng-repeat="block in array | chunkBy: 2" >
  Block: {{ block }}
<!-- result:
  Block: [1, 2]
  Block: [3, 4]
  Block: [5, 6]
<-- Example with fill value -->
<li ng-repeat="block in array | chunkBy: 4: 0" >
  Block: {{ block }}
<!-- result:
  Block: [1, 2, 3, 4]
  Block: [5, 6, 0, 0]


defaultsFilter allows to specify a default fallback value for properties that resolve to undefined.<br/> Usage: col in collection | defaults: fallback

$scope.orders = [
      { id:1, destination: { zip: 21908 }, name: 'Ariel M' },
      { id:2, name: 'John F' },
      { id:3, destination: { zip: 45841 } },
      { id:4, destination: { zip: 78612 }, name: 'Danno L' },
$scope.fallback = {
      name: 'Customer name not available',
      destination: { zip: 'Pickup' }
<li ng-repeat="order in orders | defaults: fallback">
    <b>id:</b> {{ order.id }},
    <b>name:</b> {{ order.name }},
    <b>shipping address:</b> {{ order.destination.zip }}
* id: 1, name: Ariel M, shipping address: 21908
* id: 2, name: John F, shipping address: Pickup
* id: 3, name: Customer name not available, shipping address: 45841
* id: 4, name: Danno L, shipping address: 78612

Note: defaultsFilter change the source object.<br/> Why? if we don't change the source object, it actually means we're gonna return a new object (copy operation) on each digest cycle.<br/> And it will cause adverse memory and performance implications.<br/> How to avoid it? see below

//We copy it once, and it's really cheaper
$scope.ordersWithFallback = angular.copy($scope.orders);
<li ng-repeat="order in ordersWithFallback | defaults: fallback">
    <!-- ..... -->


comparison for each element in a collection to the given properties object,<br/> returning an array of all elements that have equivalent property values.

  $scope.collection = [
    { id: 1, name: 'foo' },
    { id: 1, name: 'bar' },
    { id: 2, name: 'baz' }
<tr ng-repeat="obj in collection | where:{id: 1}">
  {{ obj.name }}
<!-- result:

<tr ng-repeat="obj in collection | where:{id: 1, name: 'foo'}">
  {{ obj.name }}
<!-- result:


return collection without the omitted objects(by expression).<br/> usage: collection | omit: expression<br/> example 1:

$scope.mod2 = function(elm) {
  return !(elm % 2);
<tr ng-repeat="num in [1,2,3,4,5,6] | omit: mod2">
  {{ num }},
1, 3, 5

example 2:

$scope.collection = [
  { id: 1, user: { name: 'foo' } },
  { id: 2, user: { name: 'bar' } },
  { id: 3, user: { name: 'baz' } }
<tr ng-repeat="obj in collection | omit:'id > 1 && user.name.indexOf(\'b\') !== -1'">
  id: {{ obj.id }}, name: {{ obj.user.name }}
id: 1, name: foo


return collection composed of the picked objects(by expression).<br/> usage: collection | pick: expression<br/> example 1:

$scope.mod2 = function(elm) {
  return !(elm % 2);
<tr ng-repeat="num in [1,2,3,4,5,6] | pick: mod2">
  {{ num }},
2, 4, 6

example 2:

$scope.collection = [
  { id: 1, user: { name: 'foo' } },
  { id: 2, user: { name: 'bar' } },
  { id: 3, user: { name: 'baz' } }
<tr ng-repeat="obj in collection | pick:'id > 1 && user.name.indexOf(\'b\') !== -1'">
  id: {{ obj.id }}, name: {{ obj.user.name }}
id: 2, name: bar
id:3, name: baz


Returns a new collection of removed elements.

$scope.foo = { name: 'foo' };
$scope.collection = [
  { name: 'bar' },
  null, 1
<tr ng-repeat="obj in collection | remove: foo: null: 1">
  {{ obj }}
<!-- result:
  { "name": "bar" }


comparison for each element in a collection to the given properties object,<br/> returning an array without all elements that have equivalent property values.

  $scope.collection = [
    { id: 1, name: 'foo' },
    { id: 1, name: 'bar' },
    { id: 2, name: 'baz' }
<tr ng-repeat="obj in collection | removeWith:{ id: 1 }">
  {{ obj.name }}
<!-- result:

<tr ng-repeat="obj in collection | removeWith:{ id: 1, name: 'foo' }">
  {{ obj.name }}
<!-- result:


if you want to use the filter in angular and want to filter for multiple values<br/> so searchField filter return new collection with property called searchField<br/> support nested properties with dot notation i.e: collection | searchField: 'prop': 'nested.prop'

$scope.users = [
  { first_name: 'Sharon', last_name: 'Melendez' },
  { first_name: 'Edmundo', last_name: 'Hepler' },
  { first_name: 'Marsha', last_name: 'Letourneau' }
<input ng-model="search" placeholder="search by full name"/>
<th ng-repeat="user in users | searchField: 'first_name': 'last_name' | filter: search">
  {{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}
<!-- so now you can search by full name -->


get a collection(array or object) and specified count, and returns all of the items in the collection after the specified count.

$scope.collection = [
    { name: 'foo' },
    { name: 'bar' },
    { name: 'baz' },
    { name: 'zap' },
<tr ng-repeat="col in collection | after:2">
  {{ col.name }}


get a collection and properties object, and returns all of the items, in the collection after the first that found with the given properties, including it.

$scope.orders = [
  { id: 1, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 15 2014' },
  { id: 2, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 16 2014' },
  { id: 3, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' },
  { id: 4, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 18 2014' },
  { id: 5, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 19 2014' }
<tr ng-repeat="order in orders | afterWhere:{ date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' }">
  order: {{ order.id }}, {{ order.date }}
  order: 3, Tue Jul 17 2014
  order: 4, Tue Jul 18 2014
  order: 5, Tue Jul 19 2014


get a collection(array or object) and specified count, and returns all of the items in the collection before the specified count.

$scope.collection = [
    { name: 'foo' },
    { name: 'bar' },
    { name: 'baz' },
    { name: 'zap' },
<tr ng-repeat="col in collection | before:3">
  {{ col.name }}


get a collection and properties object, and returns all of the items, in the collection before the first that found with the given properties, including it.

$scope.orders = [
  { id: 1, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 15 2014' },
  { id: 2, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 16 2014' },
  { id: 3, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' },
  { id: 4, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 18 2014' },
  { id: 5, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 19 2014' }
<tr ng-repeat="order in orders | beforeWhere:{ date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' }">
  order: {{ order.id }}, {{ order.date }}
  order: 1, Tue Jul 15 2014
  order: 2, Tue Jul 16 2014
  order: 3, Tue Jul 17 2014


Reverse the order of the elements in a collection

$scope.users = [
  { id: 1, name: 'bazzy' },
  { id: 2, name: 'dazzy' },
  { id: 3, name: 'lazzy' }
<tr ng-repeat="user in users | reverse">
  user: {{ user.id }}, {{ user.name }}
  user: 3, lazzy
  user: 2, dazzy,
  user: 1, bazzy


get collection or string and return if it empty[Boolean]

<tr ng-repeat="order in orders" ng-hide="orders | isEmpty">
<!-- ..... -->
<!--some replacer msg-->
<tr ng-show="orders | isEmpty">
  no content to show


Checks if given expression(or value) is present in one or more object in the collection<br/> Usage: collection | contains: 'expression'<br/> Aliases: some<br/> example 1:

$scope.array = [1,2,3,4];
<th ng-show="{{ array | contains: 2 }}">...</th>

example 2:

$scope.collection = [
  { user: { id: 1, name: 'foo' } },
  { user: { id: 2, name: 'bar' } },
  { user: { id: 3, name: 'baz' } }
<th ng-show="{{ collection | some: '!(user.id % 2) && user.name.indexOf(\'b\') === 0' }}">...</th>
<!--result: true


Checks if given expression(or value) return truthy value for all members of a collection<br/> Usage: collection | every: 'expression'<br/> example 1:

$scope.array = [1,1,1,1];
<th ng-show="{{ array | every: 1 }}">...</th>
<!--result: true

example 2:

$scope.collection = [
  { user: { id: 4, name: 'foo' } },
  { user: { id: 6, name: 'bar' } },
  { user: { id: 8, name: 'baz' } }
<th ng-show="{{ collection | every: '!(user.id % 2)' }}">...</th>
<!--result: true


Exclusive or between two collections<br/> Usage: collection1 | xor: collection2: expression[optional]<br/>


<p ng-repeat="elm in [1,2,3,4] | xor: [2,3,5]">
{{ elm }}
1 4 5


$scope.users1 = [
  { id: 0, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'bar' } },
  { id: 1, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'baz' } },
  { id: 2, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'bag' } }
$scope.users2 = [
  { id: 3, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'bar' } },
  { id: 4, details: { first_name: 'foo', last_name: 'baz' } }
<th ng-repeat="user in users1 | xor: users2">
  {{ user.id }}
1 2 3 4 5
<th ng-repeat="user in users1 | xor: users2: 'details.last_name'">
  {{ user.id }}, {{ user.details.first_name }} {{ user.details.last_name }}
2, foo bag


Convert objects into stable arrays. <br/> Usage: object | toArray: addKey[optional]<br/> if addKey set to true, the filter also attaches a new property $key to the value containing the original key that was used in the object we are iterating over to reference the property

<th ng-repeat="elm in object | toArray | orderBy: 'property'">
  {{ elm.name }}


Returns a new collection of the results of each expression execution. <br/> Usage: collection | map: expression <br/> Example1:

$scope.divide = function(elm) {
  return elm/2
<th ng-repeat="i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | map: divide">
  {{ i }}
0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5


Used map

$scope.users = [
  { id:1, user: { name: 'Foo' } },
  { id:1, user: { name: 'Bar' } },
  { id:1, user: { name: 'Baz' } }
<th ng-repeat="name in users | map: 'user.name' ">
  {{ name }}


Return a new collection from a given length, start, increment, and callback<br/> By default start is 0, increment is 1, and callback is null. Usage: collection | range: length:start:increment:callback<br/>

[<span ng-repeat="i in [] | range: 3">{{i}},</span>]
[<span ng-repeat="i in [] | range: 10:10">{{i}},</span>]
[<span ng-repeat="i in [] | range: 10:5:2">{{ i }},</span>]
[5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23]
[<span ng-repeat="i in [] | range: 11:4:2">{{ i }},</span>]
[4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24]
$scope.double = function(i) {
  return i * 2;
[<span ng-repeat="i in [] | range: 11:4:2:double">{{ i }},</span>]
[8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48]



ucfirstFilter get string as parameter and return it capitalized

<p> {{ 'foo bar baz' | ucfirst }}</p>

Foo Bar Baz


get string as parameter and return encoded uri

<a ng-href="http://domain.com/fetch/{{ data.name | uriEncode }}">Link</a>


get string as parameter and return encoded uri component

<a ng-href="http://domain.com/fetch/{{ 'Some&strange=chars' | uriComponentEncode }}">Link</a>


Transform text into a URL slug. Replaces whitespaces, with dash("-"), or given argument

<a ng-href="http://domain.com/fetch/{{ 'Some string with spaces' | slugify }}">Link</a>
<!--replace with given argument-->
<a ng-href="http://domain.com/fetch/{{ 'Some string with spaces' | slugify:'=' }}">Link</a>
<a ng-href="http://domain.com/fetch/some-string-with-spaces">Link</a>

<a ng-href="http://domain.com/fetch/some=string=with=spaces">Link</a>


Remove accents/diacritics from a string

 {{ 'Sòme strÏng with Âccénts' | latinize }}
  Some strIng with Accents


return whether string starts with the starts parameter.<br/> usage: string | startsWith: 'start': case-sensitive[optional]<br/>

 {{ 'Lorem ipsum' | startsWith: 'lorem' }}
 {{ 'Lorem Ipsum' | startsWith: 'lorem': true }}


return whether string ends with the ends parameter.<br/> usage: string | endsWith: 'ends': case-sensitive[optional]<br/>

 {{ 'image.JPG' | endsWith: '.jpg' }}
 {{ 'image.JPG' | endsWith: '.jpg': true }}


strip out html tags from string<br/> **Important: this filter jobs it's not to replace ng-bind-html directive, it's only for tiny plain text

$scope.text = '<p class="paragraph">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing...</p>';
<p>{{ text | stripTags }}</p>
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing...


get string with {n} and replace match with enumeration values

<p>{{ 'lorem {0} dolor {1} amet' | stringular:'ipsum':'sit' }}</p>
<p>{{ '{3} {0} dolor {1} amet' | stringular:'ipsum':'sit':null:'lorem' }}</p>

<!-- result:
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>

<p>{{ 'lorem {0} dolor sit amet' | stringular }}<p>
<p>lorem {0} dolor sit amet</p>


Format a string or a number into a us-style phone number

<p>{{ 1234567890 | phoneUS }}</p>

<p>(123) 456-7890</p>


truncates a string given a specified length, providing a custom string to denote an omission.<br/> usage: | truncate: [length]: [suffix-optional]: [preserve-optinal]<br/>

$scope.text = 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';
<!--should not cut words in the middle if preserve is true-->
<p>{{ text | truncate: 7: '...': true }}</p>

<p>{{ text | truncate: 13: '...' }}</p>

<!--should not touch string that shorter than the provided length -->
<p>{{ text | truncate: 50: '...' }}</p>

lorem ipsum...
lorem ipsum d...
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


truncates a string given a specified length, providing a custom string to denote an omission.<br/> usage: | split: [delimiter]: [skip-optional]<br/>

$scope.text = 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';

<p>{{ text | split: ' ' }}</p>

<p>{{ text | split: ' ': 2}}</p>

['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet']
['lorem ipsum dolor', 'sit', 'amet']


Reverses a string

$scope.text = 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';
<p>{{ text | reverse }}</p>
tema tis rolod muspi merol


Wrap a string with another string<br/> usage: string | wrap: string: string[optional]

<p>{{ 'foo' | wrap: '/' }}</p>
<p>{{ 'foo' | wrap: '{{': '}}' }}</p>


Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string<br/> usage: string | trim: chars[optional]

<p>{{ '    foo   ' | trim }}</p>
<p>{{ 'foobarfoo' | trim: 'foo' }}


Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string<br/> usage: string | ltrim: chars[optional]

<p>{{ 'barfoobar' | ltrim: 'bar' }}


Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string<br/> usage: string | rtrim: chars[optional]

<p>{{ 'barfoobar' | rtrim: 'bar' }}


Repeats a string n times<br/> Usage: string | repeat: n: separator[optional]

<p>{{ 'foo' | repeat: 3: '-' }}</p>


Test if a string match a pattern<br/> Usage: string | test: pattern: flag[optional]

<p>{{ '15/12/2003' | test: '^[0-9]{2}[/]{1}[0-9]{2}[/]{1}[0-9]{4}$': 'i' }}</p>
<p>{{ '0123456' | test: '\\D': 'i' }}</p>


Return an array of matched element in a string<br/> Usage: string | match: pattern: flag[optional]

<p>{{ '15/12/2003' | match: '\\d+': 'g' }}</p>
['15', '12', '2003']



max find and return the largest number in a given array. if an expression is provided, will return max value by expression. Usage: array | max: expression[optional]

$scope.users = [
  { user: { score: 988790 } },
  { user: { score: 123414 } },
  { user: { rank : 988999 } },
  { user: { score: 987621 } }
<p> {{ [1,2,3,4,7,8,9] | max }}</p>
<p> {{ users | max: 'user.score || user.rank' }}</p>
* 9
* { user: { rank : 988999 } }


min find and return the lowest number in a given array. if an expression is provided, will return min value by expression. Usage: array | min: expression[optional]

$scope.users = [
  { user: { score: 988790 } },
  { user: { score: 123414 } },
  { user: { score: 987621 } }
<p> {{ [1,2,3,4,7,8,9] | min }}</p>
<p> {{ users | min: 'user.score' }}</p>
* 1
* { user: { score: 123414 } }


Returns the absolute value of a number Usage: number | string

<div ng-repeat="val in [-2.2, 1.3, '-3.4', '4.5']">The absolute value of {{val}} is {{val | abs}}</div>
* The absolute value of -1.2 is 1.2
* The absolute value of 2.3 is 2.3
* The absolute value of -3.4 is 3.4
* The absolute value of '4.5' is 4.5


Percentage between two numbers<br/> Usage: number | percent: total: round[optional], round by default false.

<p>{{ 23 | percent: 500 }}</p>
<p>{{ 23 | percent: 500: true }}</p>


Converting decimal numbers to different bases(radix)<br/> Usage: number | radix: base

<p>{{ 8 | radix: 2 }}</p>
<p>{{ 32586 | radix: 16 }}</p>


Sum up all values within an array<br/> Usage: array | sum: initial-value[optional]

{{ [2,3,5] | sum }}
{{ [2,3,5] | sum: 10 }}


Converts radians into degrees<br/> Usage: radians | degrees: round-to-decimal,

<p>{{ 0.785398 | degrees: 0 }}</p>
<p>{{ -1.57 | degrees: 3 }}</p>


Converts degrees into radians<br/> Usage: degrees | radians: round-to-decimal,

<p>{{ 45 | radians: 2 }}</p>
<p>{{ 180 | radians: 5 }}</p>


Converts numbers into formatted display<br/> Usage: number | shortFmt: round-to-decimal,

<p>{{ 45000 | shortFmt: 0 }}</p>
<p>{{ 18234822 | shortFmt: 1 }}</p>
45 k
18.2 m


Converts bytes into formatted display<br/> Usage: number | byteFmt: round-to-decimal,

<p>{{ 1998 | byteFmt: 2 }}</p>
<p>{{ 1339234901 | byteFmt: 5 }}</p>
1.95 KB
1.24726 GB


Converts kilobytes into formatted display<br/> Usage: number | kbFmt: round-to-decimal,

<p>{{ 1024 | kbFmt: 0 }}</p>
<p>{{ 1049901 | kbFmt: 5 }}</p>
1 MB
1.00126 GB


Used for boolean expression in chaining filters


aliases: >

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isGreaterThan: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | >: num }}"></div>


aliases: >=

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | >=: num }}"></div>


aliases: <

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isLessThan: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | <: num }}"></div>


aliases: <=

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isLessThanOrEqualTo: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | <=: num }}"></div>


aliases: ==

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isEqualTo: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | ==: num }}"></div>


aliases: !=

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isNotEqualTo: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | !=: num }}"></div>


aliases: ===

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isIdenticalTo: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | ===: num }}"></div>


aliases: !==

<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | isNotIdenticalTo: num }}"></div>
<!--or: -->
<div ng-show="{{ array | map | sum | !==: num }}"></div>














Clone the project: <br/>

$ git clone
$ npm install
$ bower install

Run the tests:

$ grunt test