

Template for Encrypted Single Page Website

This template repository makes it easy to create a password protected page that is hosted on Github pages. This can be useful for information or events that should not be available to everyone, e.g. for your birthday, wedding or a corporate event.

To check the demo use the password test.


Disclaimer: Please be aware, that I (or the dependencies) might have missed something, so do not assume this to be bullet proof. Do not share bank information or similar this way.


To customize the website:

Encrypted Assets

By default encryption of assets is enabled, since the workflow encrypt_with_assets.yml is active. Note, this only replaces all directly linked images, CSS and JavaScript file in the HTML document with an in-place base64 representation. Thus, your relative links in files will probably not work anymore, since their location changed.

If you do not want to encrypt assets

Local Usage

If you don't want to have any of your data (even) in a private repository you can also convert it locally and only upload the index.html afterwards. To do this, follow these steps:
