


DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients <br> PACT: Parameterized Clipping Activation for Quantized Neural Networks<br>

About pact

Pact is used to replace relu activation function, not in convolution<br> If using Pact in QuantConv2d, the precision will be very slow<br> The loaded network is trained with the proposed quantization scheme in which ReLU is replaced with the proposed parameterized clipping ActFn for each of its seven convolution layers. <br>

commit log<br>

2023-01-08, upload dorefa、pact<br>

I'm not the author, I just complish an unofficial implementation of dorefa and pact.<br>


You should train 32-bit float model firstly, then you can finetune a low bit-width quantization QAT model by loading the trained 32-bit float model<br>

Dataset used for training is CIFAR10 and model used is Resnet18 revised<br>

The Train Results

For the below table all set a_bit=8, w_bit=8

versionlearning ratebatchsizeAccuracymodels
Float 32bit<=66 0.1<br><=86 0.01<br><=99 0.001<br><=112 0.000112892.6https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/6B2AZ45fFjx
dorefa<=31 0.1<br><=51 0.01<br><=71 0.001128*7+3095https://www.alipan.com/s/WhZUqDUh4UB
pact<=31 0.1<br><=51 0.01<br><=71 0.001128*7+3095https://www.alipan.com/s/F7ocFVSZwMb


https://github.com/ZouJiu1/LSQplus<br> https://github.com/666DZY666/micronet<br> https://github.com/hustzxd/LSQuantization<br> https://github.com/zhutmost/lsq-net<br> https://github.com/Zhen-Dong/HAWQ<br> https://github.com/KwangHoonAn/PACT<br> https://github.com/Jermmy/pytorch-quantization-demo<br>