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☄️ Astraly Launch Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts for Astraly Launch, Fundraising powered by on-chain reputation on Starknet. Learn more about it here.


AstralyIDOIDO ContractHandles the whole business logic of the IDO.
AstralyINOINO ContractHandles the whole business logic of the INO.
AstralyIDOFactoryIDO/INO FactoryInstanciates AstralyIDO/INO contracts for every new IDO/INO.
AstralyReferralReferralHandles the referral logic, one referral contract is deployed per IDO.
UtilsCairo utils

Development Workflow

This repository has been bootstrapped using Nile and Poetry.

Note: Mac and Mac M1 have special instructions you can refer to this article

  1. Install Dependencies poetry install

  2. Spin up a node (in a separate terminal window w/ the python environment running) poetry run nile node

  3. Compile contracts poetry run nile compile

  4. Run tests poetry run pytest tests/

These commands will test and deploy against your local node. If you want to deploy to the goerli testnet, use --network goerli instead.


We encourage pull requests.

  1. Create an issue to describe the improvement/issue. Provide as much detail as possible in the beginning so the team understands your improvement/issue.
  2. Fork the repo so you can make and test changes in your local repository.
  3. Test your changes Make sure your tests (manual and/or automated) pass.
  4. Create a pull request and describe the changes you made. Include a reference to the Issue you created.
  5. Monitor and respond to comments made by the team around code standards and suggestions. Most pull requests will have some back and forth.

If you have further questions, visit #technology in our discord and make sure to reference your issue number.

Thank you for taking the time to make our project better!