


Self-hosted file/media sharing website.

Is this still active?

Yes, though the repo may be old, it's still active and I'll try and fix any major issues that occur with my limited time.


You can see what it looks like using the demo: https://put.icu/






<img width="730" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4650950/76579039-03c82680-6488-11ea-8e23-4c927386fbd9.png" />

<img width="180" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4650950/76578903-771d6880-6487-11ea-8baf-a4a23fef4d26.png" /> <img width="180" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4650950/76578910-7be21c80-6487-11ea-9a0a-587d59bc5f80.png" /> <img width="180" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4650950/76578908-7b498600-6487-11ea-8994-ee7b6eb9cdb1.png" /> <img width="180" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4650950/76578907-7b498600-6487-11ea-8941-8f582bf87fb0.png" />

Getting started

Using Docker

  1. Create directories files and meta and run chown -R 65534:65534 meta && chown -R 65534:65534 files
  2. Create a config file (example provided in repo), we'll refer to it as linx-server.conf in the following examples

Example running

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/linx-server.conf:/data/linx-server.conf -v /path/to/meta:/data/meta -v /path/to/files:/data/files andreimarcu/linx-server -config /data/linx-server.conf

Example with docker-compose

version: '2.2'
    container_name: linx-server
    image: andreimarcu/linx-server
    command: -config /data/linx-server.conf
      - /path/to/files:/data/files
      - /path/to/meta:/data/meta
      - /path/to/linx-server.conf:/data/linx-server.conf
    network_mode: bridge
      - "8080:8080"
    restart: unless-stopped

Ideally, you would use a reverse proxy such as nginx or caddy to handle TLS certificates.

Using a binary release

  1. Grab the latest binary from the releases, then run go install

  2. Run linx-server -config path/to/linx-server.conf



All configuration options are accepted either as arguments or can be placed in a file as such (see example file linx-server.conf.example in repo):

bind =
sitename = myLinx
maxsize = 4294967296
maxexpiry = 86400
# ... etc

...and then run linx-server -config path/to/linx-server.conf


bind = to bind to (default is
sitename = myLinxthe site name displayed on top (default is inferred from Host header)
siteurl = https://mylinx.example.org/the site url (default is inferred from execution context)
selifpath = selifpath relative to site base url (the "selif" in mylinx.example.org/selif/image.jpg) where files are accessed directly (default: selif)
maxsize = 4294967296maximum upload file size in bytes (default 4GB)
maxexpiry = 86400maximum expiration time in seconds (default is 0, which is no expiry)
allowhotlink = trueAllow file hotlinking
contentsecuritypolicy = "..."Content-Security-Policy header for pages (default is "default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'self';")
filecontentsecuritypolicy = "..."Content-Security-Policy header for files (default is "default-src 'none'; img-src 'self'; object-src 'self'; media-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-ancestors 'self';")
refererpolicy = "..."Referrer-Policy header for pages (default is "same-origin")
filereferrerpolicy = "..."Referrer-Policy header for files (default is "same-origin")
xframeoptions = "..." X-Frame-Options header (default is "SAMEORIGIN")
remoteuploads = true(optionally) enable remote uploads (/upload?url=https://...)
nologs = true(optionally) disable request logs in stdout
force-random-filename = true(optionally) force the use of random filenames
custompagespath = custom_pages/(optionally) specify path to directory containing markdown pages (must end in .md) that will be added to the site navigation (this can be useful for providing contact/support information and so on). For example, custom_pages/My_Page.md will become My Page in the site navigation
extra-footer-text = "..."(optionally) Extra text above the footer for notices.
max-duration-time = 0Time till expiry for files over max-duration-size. (Default is 0 for no-expiry.)
max-duration-size = 4294967296Size of file before max-duration-time is used to determine expiry max time. (Default is 4GB)
disable-access-key = trueDisables access key usage. (Default is false.)
default-random-filename = trueMakes it so the random filename is not default if set false. (Default is true.)

Cleaning up expired files

When files expire, access is disabled immediately, but the files and metadata will persist on disk until someone attempts to access them. You can set the following option to run cleanup every few minutes. This can also be done using a separate utility found the linx-cleanup directory.

cleanup-every-minutes = 5How often to clean up expired files in minutes (default is 0, which means files will be cleaned up as they are accessed)

Require API Keys for uploads

authfile = path/to/authfile(optionally) require authorization for upload/delete by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
remoteauthfile = path/to/remoteauthfile(optionally) require authorization for remote uploads by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
basicauth = true(optionally) allow basic authorization to upload or paste files from browser when -authfile is enabled. When uploading, you will be prompted to enter a user and password - leave the user blank and use your auth key as the password

A helper utility linx-genkey is provided which hashes keys to the format required in the auth files.

Storage backends

The following storage backends are available:

LocalFSEnabled by default, this backend uses the filesystemfilespath = files/ -- Path to store uploads (default is files/)<br />metapath = meta/ -- Path to store information about uploads (default is meta/)
S3Use with any S3-compatible provider.<br> This implementation will stream files through the linx instance (every download will request and stream the file from the S3 bucket). File metadata will be stored as tags on the object in the bucket.<br><br>For high-traffic environments, one might consider using an external caching layer such as described in this article.s3-endpoint = https://... -- S3 endpoint<br>s3-region = us-east-1 -- S3 region<br>s3-bucket = mybucket -- S3 bucket to use for files and metadata<br>s3-force-path-style = true (optional) -- force path-style addresing (e.g. https://<span></span>s3.amazonaws.com/linx/example.txt)<br><br>Environment variables to provide:<br>AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -- the S3 access key<br>AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -- the S3 secret key<br>AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (optional) -- the S3 session token

SSL with built-in server

certfile = path/to/your.crtPath to the ssl certificate (required if you want to use the https server)
keyfile = path/to/your.keyPath to the ssl key (required if you want to use the https server)

Use with http proxy

realip = truelet linx-server know you (nginx, etc) are providing the X-Real-IP and/or X-Forwarded-For headers.

Use with fastcgi

fastcgi = trueserve through fastcgi


Linx-server supports being deployed in a subdirectory (ie. example.com/mylinx/) as well as on its own (example.com/).

1. Using fastcgi

A suggested deployment is running nginx in front of linx-server serving through fastcgi. This allows you to have nginx handle the TLS termination for example.
An example configuration:

server {
    server_name yourlinx.example.org;
    client_max_body_size 4096M;
    location / {
        include fastcgi_params;

And run linx-server with the fastcgi = true option.

2. Using the built-in https server

Run linx-server with the certfile = path/to/cert.file and keyfile = path/to/key.file options.

3. Using the built-in http server

Run linx-server normally.


Any help is welcome, PRs will be reviewed and merged accordingly.
The official IRC channel is #linx on irc.oftc.net

  1. go get -u github.com/andreimarcu/linx-server
  2. cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/andreimarcu/linx-server
  3. go build && ./linx-server


Copyright (C) 2015 Andrei Marcu

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


Andrei Marcu, https://andreim.net/