

Robot Parkour Learning

Project website: https://robot-parkour.github.io/ <br> Authors: Ziwen Zhuang*, Zipeng Fu*, Jianren Wang, Christopher Atkeson, Sören Schwertfeger, Chelsea Finn, Hang Zhao<br> Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2023, Oral, Best Systems Paper Award Finalist (top 3) <br>

<p align="center"> <img src="images/teaser.jpeg" width="80%"/> </p>

Repository Structure

Training in Simulation

To install and run the code for training A1/Go2 in simulation, please clone this repository and follow the instructions in legged_gym/README.md.

Hardware Deployment

To deploy the trained model on your unitree Go1 robot, please follow the instructions in Deploy-Go1.md for deploying on the Unittree Go1 robot.

To deploy the trained model on your unitree Go2 robot, please follow the instructions in Deploy-Go2.md for deploying on the Unittree Go2 robot.

Trouble Shooting

If you cannot run the distillation part or all graphics computing goes to GPU 0 dispite you have multiple GPUs and have set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, please use docker to isolate each GPU.

To Do


If you find this project helpful to your research, please consider cite us! This is really important to us.

    title={Robot Parkour Learning},
    author={Ziwen Zhuang and Zipeng Fu and Jianren Wang and Christopher G Atkeson and S{\"o}ren Schwertfeger and Chelsea Finn and Hang Zhao},
    booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning {CoRL}},